What You Argue About

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Adagio Dazzle

You guys fight too much about tiny little things and with you both being stubborn it takes a while for you to work it out but when you do you simply go grab some milkshakes which she makes you pay for and forget about it

Sonata Dusk

You guys don’t actually fight about anything you just chill and have some playful banter

Aria Blaze

Same as Adagio but worse and it takes longer for her to forget about it

Sunset Shimmer

You mostly argue because she’s constantly worried she’s going back to her old self and you get sick off telling her over and over again that she’s not


You argue because you sometimes feel neglected as she’s always at a practice for some form of sport and it seems to be all she talks about


You would argue because unlike AJ you were prone to lying about small things you knew would annoy her but in the end it annoyed her more that you hadn’t been honest with her about it


I don’t really know what to put here so feel free to suggest!


You argue about her desire to be perfect because you always fear that you aren’t perfect enough for her no matter how much she says you are. Despite her constant comforting your fears and insecurities lead you two to arguing

Pinkie Pie

The only cause of you two arguing is that she doesn’t take anything seriously and that annoys you because when you want to talk about a serious subject she’ll just laugh and joke in an attempt to make you feel better but sometimes it can backfire

Alright that’s this chapter hope you liked it. I seriously can’t think of anything for Fluttershy so I’m open to suggestions. Also I probably should have said this sooner but I will not write smut. Just thought I’d put that out there. Anyway have a good day/night

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