Chapter 1

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In the mysterious realm of the planet Navi, the ancient lineage of the Conduit ancestors has long been revered and whispered about in hushed tones. These enigmatic beings possessed a connection to an otherworldly power source known as the Conduit, which granted them extraordinary abilities beyond mortal comprehension. As time passed, the Conduit ancestors departed from the physical realm, leaving behind their resting places in sacred tombs scattered across the planet.

However, on a momentous day, a seismic disturbance shook the planet of Navi to its core. The tombs of the Conduit ancestors began to tremble, as if awakened by an unseen force. Slowly, with an air of mystique, the ancestral figures emerged from their long slumber, their presence illuminating the dimly lit tombs.

As if guided by an invisible hand, the Conduit ancestors instinctively embarked on a journey towards a secluded island named Seminole. Nestled amidst a vast expanse of glistening ocean, this isolated haven had unknowingly become the fated meeting place for the awakening ancestors. Legends whispered of Seminole's unique energy, drawing the Conduit ancestors to reunite once again.

Each ancestor possessed their own distinct powers and knowledge, accumulated through countless generations. As they converged on Seminole, the island buzzed with an ethereal energy, crackling with anticipation. Together, these once-scattered descendants of the Conduit legacy would unravel the mysteries of their past, unlocking new paths for the future.

In this convergence of extraordinary beings, the isolated island of Seminole became a crucible of discovery, where ancient bonds were rekindled and forgotten truths were unveiled. The Conduit ancestors, reunited after eons, prepared to embark on a journey that would shape the destiny of Navi and its inhabitants. Little did they know that their presence would herald a new era, where the forces of the Conduit would once again intertwine with the fabric of reality, forever changing the course of Navi's history.

Babi: Conduits! We are conquerors! We are warriors! We imagined a world ran by conduits and only our kind. But it seems like humans have tainted our culture and made our kind betray us. In order for there to be something new there needs to be a complete purge of what is corrupt.

*All the rest of the members of the band nodded their heads in agreement*

Babi: Baal, Waset, Anuke, and Mesta, Go and Conquer!

The ancestors go out the next morning to conquer any and every city. Meanwhile, Neo and Zaria meet up to find Tien at the Dogun Academy library and informed him of the potential ancestors.

Tien: I already know about them. I was doing research in my training and I found out there a deeper root to you guys that you never knew. But if I was to give my word of advice, there is only one way to know about the ancestor and how great they really ought to talk to your father, Neo.

Neo figured that was the only option they had to, even though deep down he didn't want anything to do with his Father. So he goes down into the underground prison where Father is being held with numerous shackles. And so Neo goes to confront Father.

Neo: hello...

Father: aww you seem like you not happy to see your Father

Neo: you're NOT a Father! You're a tyrant.

Father: and yet here you are coming to me for my knowledge of what's coming.

Neo: What do you mean what's coming?

Father: The Ancestors are not pleased with us, my Son.

Neo: Stop calling me that! And what are they not pleased with.

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