Chapter 5 - darkness

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As the rebellion troops stormed Babi's hideout, Tien, Weasley, and Scar led the charge, their determination radiating from every fiber of their beings. The clash of steel and the thunderous echoes of magical abilities reverberated through the halls, a symphony of defiance against Babi's tyranny.

Together with their loyal soldiers, they pushed forward, carving a path through the ranks of Babi's minions. With each enemy vanquished, they inched closer to their ultimate goal: the rescue of Neo and the liberation of Navi from the clutches of darkness.

In the midst of the chaos, Zaria, haunted by the weight of her betrayal, peered out from a towering window. Her tear-stained face reflected a myriad of emotions—regret, longing, and a desperate yearning for redemption. In that moment, her heart stirred with a newfound resolve.

Without a second thought, Zaria dashed from the window, her movements fueled by a mixture of fear and determination. She had witnessed the brutality of Babi's reign for far too long, and now she sought to make amends for her past actions. Her feet carried her towards the unfolding battle, her heart pounding with a fervent desire to stand alongside her friends.

As Zaria emerged onto the battlefield, the sight before her was awe-inspiring. Tien, Weasley, and Scar fought with unwavering valor, their every strike a testament to their indomitable spirit. The rebellion troops surged forward, their collective strength and unyielding conviction a force to be reckoned with.

Zaria's eyes locked onto Tien and they two converse.

Tien: Zaria.

Zaria: Tien, what are you doing here?

Tien: What the hell does it look like I'm doing? I'm saving Neo. Something you should be doing.

Zaria: There is no saving Neo. You're wasting your time.

Tien: What are you saying?

Zaria: I'm saying turn back. There is no way out of what is going to happen. Neo will be gone.

Tien: Don't give that bullshit you bitch! You as well I know that Neo wouldn't allow himself to be killed off like this. You are worst than I initially thought. You're a coward Zaria. Going as far as to allow the one close to you, the ones that had your back from the beginning, to be killed off, for your own selfish gains. You coward will witness a thousand death before you find some peace. If that the way you want to live then find. I have no problem sending you to the afterlife so you can experience those death.

Zaria: You step any further Tien and I won't hesitate to kill you.

Tien: That's fine by me

Weasley: Tien what are you doing?

Tien: Don't worry Weasley, I don't intend to die. Plus...I couldn't quite possibly live with myself to die by a cowards hands!

Zaria: (*thinks to herself* He seem so more sure of himself). Well Tien I sorry.

[Tien vs Zaria]

As Tien and Zaria faced off in a charged battlefield, their emotions were palpable, the air heavy with tension. Zaria's lightning crackled around her, while Tien stood firm, his samurai sword raised with determination.

The fight began with a clash of lightning and steel. Zaria unleashed bolts of electricity, aiming to overwhelm Tien with her raw power. But Tien's human spirit and unwavering will allowed him to dodge and parry each strike with impressive agility.

Their eyes locked, and a mix of anger, betrayal, and determination flashed between them. Zaria's heart wavered, realizing that Tien was no longer the pushover she once believed him to be. His human resilience, forged through battles and personal growth, had made him a formidable opponent.

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