Chapter 3

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Linder didn't know what there plan was, but it had gone quite out of control.

Dan had his behind the doors of Linder's, hearing every word he said through his phone.

Linder: "I love (your name), it's just I can't get her out of my mind and it's breaking me on how much on how I have to hold my feelings inside when it comes to her. I should have just released my feelings to her along time ago, but it's like I don't know the words how to say it to her."

His mate: "Well you should express your feelings because if your not gonna express your feelings to her, how you gonna know that she likes you or not. I know you have the courage to express yourself to her."

Linder: "Okay, *sighs*, I'll express my feelings to her and I will do it in my own way, because that's me being me."

His mate: "You got this! I believe in you buddy. Alright, bye!"

Linder: Bye!

His mate ended the call.

As Linder walked towards his door, Dan started to walk away and headed towards the living room where everyone was. Linder walks outside, but before he did that, he winked at you and gave you the love heart through his hand gesture. Linder headed out to eat something for breakfast and he knew there was something that wasn't right, but he didn't know what it was, but he ignored that feeling.

Note: Always follow your intuition because it will lead to the right direction. You can feel a difference in energies or a shift happen when you know there's something wrong or when something good may happen, or something is going to change in your life. You can feel when you have the urge to do something and there's a sense of a good feeling that comes over you.

Dan saw you having fun with Linder's other friends.

Dan: "Can I have (your name) for a moment?"

All of them: "Sure"

Dan took you to the nearest bathroom.

Your POV
Dan's eyes were full of jealously. I knew Dan loved Linder. Only if she knew his darkest secrets, then she wouldn't like Linder for who he is, but some people can accept his secret which is good.

Dan: "Did you feel uncomfortable when Linder flirted with you?"

You: Kinda did, I never had a person that liked me that much as much as he did.

Dan: Interesting. Really interesting.

No one is gonna know what I'm planning. Linder is mine and you are not going away from this (your name.)

Your POV
The hatred in her eyes do scare me, but I'll just have to leave her alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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