Chapter 2 -The resistance

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Shindou's pov:

It was true but Kirino didn't have to say that who knows what might happen.

But from what I've observed this guy doesn't look like he's from any gang or survival camp, maybe he's a lone survivor?

I decided to go along with Kirino, maybe we can help the guy out by giving him shelter in return that he helps up out.

But as always, we got to see if we can actually trust him...

"Yeah but, can we get your name first? We don't go by and recruit people after we rescue them", I added.

But as we said that he backed a bit. He then looked at us as he tried to remain calm before he asked. 

"Why should I? just because you've saved me, doesn't mean I can trust you. How can I tell if this is just another one of your plans to use me", He replied. 

I expected this type of reaction from him. He's got a point, we just met and asking him for his personal info is nothing better than being someone who'll betray him. Best to be on his good side to not cause any negative tension or distrust. 

"Listen, we're only here for supplies and we ran into you, our base is currently running low on some supplies, and we just happened to have crossed paths, but as much we don't want to just trust a random person. It's better to stick with someone during the apocalypse ", Shindou explained. 

"The last time someone said that to me betrayed me and left me for the undead, how can I know you'll not do the same?", Tenma questioned.

I sighed to myself and convinced him that we aren't going to betray him. Kirino promised him that if they ever do betray him or even the other members do, we'll face the consequences.

He seemed to agree and introduces himself as Tenma Matsukaze and I greeted him back. 

"Nice to meet you Matsukaze, and thanks for your cooperation", I added after the greeting.

"Just call me Tenma-", Tenma was about to reply but cut off as he hears the sounds of clicking and clacking.

We all went to hide behind a car and saw a Hydrel... but it was a different hydrel, a second staged infected. It was covered with lots of fungi and the jaw was slithed from ear to ear and had crooked teeth pointing out like animal canines. These were stage two Hydrels called: "Brawlers". 

I remembered reading a file about it, but I can't recall where. All I remember of it was a saying to stay far away from it and use long ranged weapons to defeat it, but from the looks of it. None of us have long ranged weapons to beat it. 

I then signed to Kirino about what type of Hydrel we are dealing, He understood what I said. And I also heard him tch about it in annoyance. As I tried to elaborate a plan, Tenma was looking through his bag and I saw him bring out a container of rotten bacon. 

He then slowly opens it as the strong smell of meat was there. I tried to stop him, but it was too late for me, he threw it far from us and it shattered a car window, making a loud honk, which I thought those cars are gone for good. The sound startles the Brawler, and it heads there. It then entered in the car, and we saw it eat the bait. This was good escape, so we started to sneak away from the Brawler as it finishes its meal. 

This made most of our hearts race, but we kept ourselves calm under pressure. As the brawler continues eating, we also started to quicken our pace. As we did, it noticed us, and we made a run for it as outrunning it won't be as hard as a normal Hydrel. The thick platting of fungi prevented its speed, making it slower.  

The brawler continued to chase us all down, but I had a plan in mind. I grinned a bit as we jumped over some cars and made quick turns on alleyways.  Kirino and Tsurugi know exactly where I'm going and what my plan was, assuming to myself that Tenma knows it as well.

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