Chapter 3 - Intentions

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Third person pov:

As the three hung out, they proceeded to train with each other, and Tenma demonstrates his amazing knife and hand to hand combat skills.

They we're impressed as more people joined and watched. Some questioned and whispered where the guy came from. Some suspected he used to come from some from a gang that was killed or was he a lone wolf that survived this by himself. Heck, even some of them though he was an immune survivor. (Which is false)

As he did, Shindou then come in and interrupted and made his way through the crowd. He had to bring Tenma to someone in order to fully be a part of the resistance.

"Tenma, come with me please, someone wants to meet you", Shindou pitched in, through the crowd.

"Why?", Tenma asked suspiciously.

"There's someone who wants to meet you, it's important", He replied.

Tenma felt something was off, but this wasn't his territory, so he needs to follow the resistance orders. He nonchalantly followed Shindou to an office. But before they entered Shindou asked Tenma to hand his weapon to him which Tenma hesitates and asked.

"Why?", He asked.

"No weapon allowed inside the office, it's a safety measure to ensure our leader is protected", Shindou stated.

Tenma still didn't look convinced, the knife he has is from a special someone and is way too important to just give away. Shindou read this and tells Tenma something to atleast lessen the tension.

"Don't worry, our leader just wants to talk with you, and I guess you can keep your weapon, but put it away", Shindou said.

Tenma then decided to retract the knife back and puts it away in his pocket. The two the entered in the room and closed the door behind them.

As they went in, they saw a man with dark brown hair and eyes, He also had an faded orange bandana that was holding up his brown hair. There was also another man who had goggles and dirty blond hair in a half-up, half-down hairstyle, he was helping the dark brunet plan something. There was also a woman taking down notes.

While the other two are planning, the woman noticed Tenma and Shindou. She then goes to the two.

"Shindou-kun, is that the new person?", She asked.

The woman looked at Tenma as she observes him, putting her red glasses down to her eyes. Tenma was slightly unbothered but questioned why.

"Hai, Otonashi sensei", Shindou replied.

Tenma looked around the room but was cut off by Otonashi as she goes to talk to him. She smiled before introducing herself as the resistance's advisor and teacher. She then goes to the two men and tells them that the recruit and Shindou are waiting for them.

"Shindou! Gomen(sorry), Anyways, the new recruit?", Endou said.

Shindou pointed to Tenma and stepped back as Tenma looked at him in confusion. Endou then walks towards Tenma as Tenma looks back at him, maintaining a calm outside. The others decid to leave the two for now. Endou smiled genuinely before he asked.

"What's your name and your specialty?", Endou said.

"I'm Matsukaze Tenma and all I know is how to survive and hunt, guess that's my specialty", He replied.

"I see... but the more important question is your intentions, you have lived long in this run-down world without at least an intention to live" Endou stated before explaining.

Tenma paused for a moment as he looked, down. Should he tell this man about his plan to try and save humanity by finding the cure? Endou maybe the leader of this resistance but it trust is earned not given, and it takes efforts to make Tenma trust anyone.

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