part 4 - he knew she was in trouble

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I look at her, I wanted to decline but everyone already had a partner "Ohk I will be you sparing partner" I said and then she had the audacity to say "ha sorry dear but you had no choice you slut" oooooh my blood was boiling then I saw my ex, he gave some papers the teacher should fill in.

Jess just ran up to him and said "Baby I saw someone ridiculous" he looked at her and said "Who..." She looks over to me, all I did was glare at her. Some girls came my way "hey don't worry this will be over soon" that one girl told me "Nah  Ash will probably end her" the other girl said while laughing, I would laugh if I could but I just 'mh' and the rest of the girls that was around me laughed.

I looked at the teachers Direction and saw him look at me but the way he looked at me was like 'I still love you', 'I regret breaking up with you' oh how sorry I felt for him so I looked away and carried on talking to the girls.

"So baby what are you gonna do now?" He asked Jess "Oh I'm gonna spare with Ash"with that he just said "Good luck and I have to go" she said "bye.."and watched him dash away. I laughed [in my mind ofc] when she looked so clueless at the way he dashed away.

"Everyone in places..." He said then added "Who's first" she really wanna die, she lifted up her hand then I quickly said "Last sir" he said ohk before she could even answer she stared daggers but it took no effect of it.

Now we watch them spare, she is still mad at me while I was enjoying the show when it came to the last round 'that was us' oh well she never knew what was coming.

We bowed and stood in our sparing formation, I had my own sparing formation. The sir knew I was a fighter, I train my whole life but never used my skill but now, oh I can show her what her boyfriend meant by good luck I stood there smirking.

"BEGIN!!!!" was shouted and I landed my first hit on her chest, she fell down at looked at me with rag but I had no reaction to that. She wanted to stand up but I then kicked her in the stomach. I stood there glaring at her devilishly, she was scared, she holds her stomach in pain and I went down on one knee and told her "Surrender or die trying oh and good luck".

She looked at me in fear as she figured out what her boyfriend meant by that but then she thought I left myself open, wanting to make her boyfriend proud of her she did something she regretted, I dodged her attack quickly and came behind her and said, "Stupid move" and before I could touch her she surrendered in fear knowing she will die or probably badly be browsed.

So then the bell rang she left quickly and I just walk naturally with the girls complimenting me "Come girls I don't need all this praze" I told them on my way to the changing room as I past Shadow with a sour look on his face "Carry on without me I have something to do" I said the just said "Ohk"

Shadows POV

"Hey..." I heard from behind me and looked, it was Ash "Oh... hey Ash, shouldn't you go and change" I asked with a curious face all he said was "Yea but I wanted to check on you first cause I saw you walk by with a sour face" I look to the side and thought to my self 'Damn, I don't want Ash to see me like this or know happened' "So what happened and don't lie to me" he said with a blank but serious expression "Aah Uhm I..." I looked to the side not wanting to look Ash in the eyes.

Everything went blank  and next thing you know I was pin to the locker "Tell me.." he said but he sounded pissed "I got into a fight and I was sent to the nurse office cause stabbed by shoulders, and I have to report this to the principal office" he look at me, took me by the hand and I was pulled all the way to the nurse's office he cleaned my wounds and bandage it and told me to go to the principals office now.

Principles office

"Excuse me sir may I come in" I asked then he replied with a "Yes my boy" I went in and closed the door behind me "My boy what happened between you two" he asked I look over to the boy who stabbed me then I started to explain the boy just denied it and then I told him "You lying to yourself if you deny it" then he starts to argue with me but all I did was look at him with seriously straight face.

Then I looked at the principal who silenced him, then he got expelled for lying and stabbing me in the shoulder and me I went free cause I told the truth which I disliked but if I didn't then Ash wouldn't want to be my friend or would never lo- and so I left the office and headed to the next class.

Lily's POV:

I smacked this boy behind his head cause he annoyed me, Zowie laughed while I stood in front of him and the teacher just shock her head "Lily my dear you have a sweet name but you are like a man..." I looked at the miss, I wanted to say something bad so badly then I told myself 'leave it, just leave it' then politely said, "Well, Miss my mother chose the name not me." the miss just looked at me and carried on with the lesson on...

To be continued

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