One true moment.

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Forgot to say this but the last chapter was about a Year and a Half to Two years since she left. My phone auto-corrected it. Oh and that's how Rabu looks now!!!

"-----Shino" he just looked at me for a long time. He said "It's been along time..." I nodded and said "Yeah. It has been a while..." Shino ran and hugged me!!! I smiled and hugged him back. I said "I missed you a lot..." He said "You have no idea how much I missed you... And how much I regret saying what I said.." I pulled back smiling and said "I don't care shino.... As long as we're... Friends... Again..." It hurt my heart to say that we were Friends.... He looked me up and down and said "You've changed so much..." I chuckled seeing him covered up even more then when I left. I said "You've changed your dressing style but you in personality... Haven't changed one bit shino...." I chuckled a bit as he asked "How?" I said yanking in his hood "Your still covering yourself up! And I'm confident that no one has ever seen your eyes." He huffed. I laughed and said "Come on. Let's go get some food." He nodded and we walked off. We walked to a tavern and ordered food and just made small chat and what not. It was really good to talk to Shino again.... He asked "So where are you gonna be staying?" I sweat dropped and laughed nervously, I said "Iiiiiiiii don't really know... Haven't found a place yet.... I'm sure Kakashi will let me crash at his place..." Shino shook his head and said "You can stay at my place." I said "I don't want to impose...." He said "No. I insist." I smiled and said "Okay. Deal. Until I find my own house." He nodded with a smile. We exited the tavern and it was almost dark already. we chatted some more until we passed by a bar where some drunks were hanging out. One saw me and said "Hey honey!!! Why don't you come over here!!!" I said maturely "Actually I already have a date." They looked at Shino while coming closer to us. Shino growled slightly. They looked at him unimpressed, One said "Tch. This guy ain't nothing. You need a man like me." I looked him up and down and said with more sass then needed "Noooo. I think the man I got is the best one I've ever found." I grabbed into shino's arm and he looked at me like I was insane. One of the other guys said "I don't believe a Hot woman like you could be with.... Him...." I growled and then smiled as an evil idea came into my head. I said "Fine. I'll prove it to you." Shi said inside of my head Kid!!! Your so evil..... I love it!!!! I turned pulling down shino's high collar to his coat and kissed him on the lips. It lasted for a minute and Shino was shocked the whole time. I pulled back looking at the men. They grumbled to themselves as they walked away. I smiled and kept walking and yelled behind myself "Shino!!! Are you gonna show me your house or what?!" He quickly caught up with my and decided not to question my moment of Insanity.

[Time Skip]

I sighed walking though the village... I've been back for a couple weeks, I've been on missions, Got to hang out with everyone and and caught up. Sato nearly smacked me across the face for what I did though.... But he just cried and hugged me. Fukuro, he had this whole huge party for me and nearly smacked me too... But I can safely say, this is my home. The leaf village is where I belong and this is where I'll stay. Fukuro appeared beside me and said "Hey Lass!" I chuckled and said "Hey Fukuro." He asked putting his hands behind his head "What are ya up to?" I shrugged and said "Nothing. Just hangin around until Lady Tusnade needs me." He laughed and said "Aren't we all doing that?" I laughed and nodded. Just then I felt a familiar chakra.... I stopped walking and said "Fukuro." He nodded and we waited a moment before Hidan and Kakuzu appeared in front of us. Hidan said angrily "Rabu!! That was some fucking stunt you pulled!!!" I sighed and said "Hidan. I love and all but get out of the village." Hidan said "I'm not gonna let my sister Stay in a fucking dump!!!" Fukuro asked "Sister?" I said dismissively "We see each other as brother and sister." Kakuzu said "Hidan. Stop waisting time!" He sighed crossing his arms and said "We came here to fucking tell you that Pein isn't fucking happy about your disappearance." Kakuzu said "He said he was going to attack the hidden leaf and force you to come back." My eyes went wide.... Fukuro said "We have to alert lady Tusnade!!!" I said "Then go!" He nodded and ran. I hugged Hidan and Kakuzu and said "Thanks guys..." Kakuzu ruffled my hair and said "Kid. Were like family as much as I hate to say it." I said wondering "So does that mean you two are my gay fathers?" Hidan hit me over the head and said "No! You fucking idiot!!!! I am your brother!!!" I rubbed my head laughing and said "Alright! Alright!!! But Kakuzu is the gay father right?" He hit me over the head and said "Brat! I'm not gay!!!" I laughed and said "Alright guys. Go on before your noticed and killed." They nodded and disappeared... I sighed and said "Time to save the Hidden leaf."

You Thought Wrong!!! (Kiba x Shikamaru x Choji x Shino x Neji x OC)Where stories live. Discover now