This is my sensei?

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We made it to another training ground where a guy who looked like lee Was challenging Kakashi? I came up to Kakashi and tugged on his sleeve. He looked at me and said "Oh, Hello Rabu. what are you doing here?" I pointed at My team. He asked "Please don't tell me you got assigned to Gia's team..." I nodded and the guy who looked like lee said "Ah!!! So your my new student!!!" I nodded slightly hiding behind Kakashi who said "Gia please take it easy with Rabu." Gia said "Hm. if I'm not mistaken That boy is now your Son correct?" Kakashi nodded and said "Yup. I'm her- I mean His legal guardian." He patted my head. Gia said "Then you know what that mean right?!?" Kakashi said "Uh... No." Gia smirked and said "Him and Lee are going to be Eternal Rivals just like us!!!!" Kakashi sweat dropped and said "Uh Gia-" Lee cut him off and said "Then forgive me sensei!!! For I have already lost against Rabu!!!!" Gia said "Then it's up to you lee!!! To make it even and challenge Rabu!!!" Lee nodded and yelled "Yes Gia-Sensie!!!!" He came up to me and said "Rabu!! I challenge you to a battle!!!" I sighed and nodded. Kakashi said "I think I'll watch." we went into our fighting stances and lee said "Im not going to make the first move like last time!!!" I sprites towards him and jumped into the air and brought my Heel down in him, he dodged before I could hit him though and instead I made a large crater in the ground. I stood up and lifted my hand in time to stop Lee's leg from coming in contact with my shoulder. I grabbed his leg and swung him around to the front of me. He jerked his leg away from me and started throwing punches at me, I kept blocking him until I let one slip and he hit me back with much force. I jumped back from him and did hand signs I mumbled under my breath "Lightning style: Black Lightning blade."I grabbed my wrist and black lightning gathered in my palm. I ran at Lee and put my arm out towards him, He jumped back though and instead I made a giant crater in the ground, I jumped out and before I knew it lee was behind me!!! He kicked me up into the air and appeared above me and brought his heel down onto my stomach so hard I coughed up blood!!! I flew back into the ground and crashed into the dirt. I shakily climbed out and stayed on my hands and knees... Lee came in front of me I waved my hand in front of my throat and shook my head, lee smiled and asked "So I win this fight?!?" I nodded and gave him a thumbs up." He cheered and said "The score is now one to one!!!" I wiped my mouth of blood and Kakashi came up to me and said "You did great out there in the fighting." I smiled and he helped me up. He asked "You okay?" I nodded and he smiled he said "Well if you excuse me I'm late for meeting my team. See you at home Rabu." I nodded and waved goodbye to him as he walked off. Gia said "Good job lee!!!" I sighed and Gia said "Hello Rabu!!! I'm your new sensei Gia!!!" I nodded and bowed to him slightly. He laughed and said "Well mannered I see." I nodded he said "Alright righty then!!!! 500 laps around the village!!!!" I sweat dropped and followed Gai and lee as they started running with Neji and tenten trailing behind me. After about 92 laps I collapsed on the ground as did tenten and Neji stopped beside us catching his breath. We sat down and drank water as we watched lee and Gia keep going, I wrote down in a note pad "How can they have this much energy?" I handed it to tenten, she laughed and said "I honestly don't know, but lee is a really nice guy once you get to know him!! He can be a little stupid sometimes but if anything, he's got determination." I smiled and wrote down on the note pad "He seems like an awesome person!" Neji read this and said "Tch. What would you see in a loser like him? He can only use Tiajutsu. Not Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. He's going to fail as a ninja." I growled and wrote down "I beat you then lee beat me, so technically Lee is stronger then you." And handed him the paper he growled and said "That proves nothing. Once a loser always a loser." I abruptly stood up and turned towards Neji and punched him with so much force he fell down on his butt. He held his jaw as he glared at me, tenten ran over and held me back, she said "Rabu!!! Teammate aren't suppose to fight!!!!" Gia and Lee came over and tenten told them everything that happened. Lee hugged me and said "My Eternal rival!!!! Thank you for standing up to for me!!!" Gai pulled lee off of me and said "Rabu, While I'm glade you stood up for lee, that doesn't mean you can beat up Neji for it. I'm going to have to tell Kakashi about you out burst." I nodded, Gia disappeared and lee went to go train along with tenten and Neji was rubbing his jaw which had a cut on it because of how hard I hit him.... I walked up to him, he glared at me and asked "What do you want?" I grabbed his hand and took it off the cut and got out a little tissue a cleaned the cut up of any dirt and then put a band aid over the cut. After that I bowed to him in sorry, I stood back up and and saw him staring at me. He asked "Why are you nice to me all of a sudden?" I wrote down on my note pad "It's not that I hate you it's just your attitude I didn't like. You say that lee is a cruddy ninja but he was able to beat me in a fight, and that rare for someone to do. So it just made me mad that after all lee has trained you still don't see how great a ninja he is." I handed him the paper and he read over it. He growled and said "Whatever." and walked away. I shrugged and sat down on the bench... Just then Kakashi appeared in front of me looking quiet mad....Uh oh... He said "Talk now. No one is around." I sighed and said "I didn't mean to hit Neji that hard but it just mad me mad that he was belittling lee... It reminded me of the way I was treated before I came here...." Kakashi's angry face seemed to disappeared and he sat down beside me and asked "Wanna talk about it?" I sighed and said "W-well... before everything went down, I was used as a weapon for my small village...They made me kill so many innocent people just to make me stronger and drain the emotion out of me...But once they saw I was going to comply, because my parents had taught me better, they killed my mom and dad and my brothers took my towards here so we could all get away but they killed them too....They out lashed on me and made me kill more and more people, families, children... One day when I was about to kill a mother and her child, the woman said I love you to her child and kissed there forehead... I remembered that my mother would always do that to me when I would cry... So I let them go. The village elders found out about it and ordered to have me executed. I was fine with that until I saw they had all the families and people I had let go... I don't know what happened but I snapped and everything went dark for a while...Then I woke up and I was standing covered in blood.... and....and..." I started breathing really hard and Kakashi patted my back and hugged me, he said "Shhh.... Don't worry, it's fine.... You have a family now.... I consider you like my daughter." I caught me breath again and said "R-Really?" He nodded and said "Your safe with me. I won't let anyone use you as a weapon or take you away from me." I hugged him back and said "I can't control my anger when it comes out... If I get angry, no one is safe..." He rubbed my back and said "Don't worry, I'm sure I can help you control your angry." He tightened his arms around me... I asked "Can we go home now?" He smiled and nodded, he asked "How about we go get what ever you want to eat for dinner?" I smiled and said "Yes!!" He smiled and stood up and I stood up with him. And we walked towards town to get food!!!!

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