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L A Y L A | K E N N E D Y
19th June 2022




A small ache in my head brought the discomfort of consciousness back to me, my eyelids clenched together at the pain before finally peeling open. The slightly movement of awaking was enough to make me want to go back to sleep, just as I was about to I finally realised that I wasn't at home.

Memories of me fainting at school flooded through my mind as my cheeks flushed in embarrassment, of course I had to pass out at school. The feeling of someone holding my hand caused me to bring myself back to the current reality.

My mothers head laid in her hands as one hand fisted itself around my pale one, her hair was disentangled with her pink blouse crinkled up. She never wears the same thing for more than a few hours, and I could tell that that had been worn for more than a couple of hours.

She sat on an chair uncomfortable looking chair beside my bed with a blanket draped over her legs, she seemed to of slept here. How long have I been asleep for?

To my right was my father who too had his head in his hands, his fingers curling into his short brown hair looking as if he was pulling it.

He too wore a disheveled looking suit, why were they here? Where am I? He as well seemed to be sat down beside me in a chair, why were they so close?

"Mum." I croaked out wincing at the pulsing agony in my throat, my parents heads shot up as they stood bending over to me and kissing my forehead. "Oh my baby." My mum sobbed over me as I looked over at my dads tear stained cheeks, something told me that whatever happened wasn't just a passing out problem. Something was wrong, my father rarely cries.

I ignored the touch of my mother wrapping her hands around my and holding my body close to hers like I was a lifeline. My father left the room only to return with a doctor, am I in a hospital?

I looked around only just realising the tubes coming out of my wrists and under my nose, my eyes widened in shock as I tried to sit up but I couldn't bring myself to lift my body. "Please don't force your self to sit up Layla." I looked over at the man who wore a white science cloak, he had a lanyard clipped to his top left chest pocket.

He seemed fairly old, maybe mid 50s, with grey hair and kind brown eyes. "My name is Doctor Reynolds and I'm going to be the one looking after you." He smiled but his smile didn't quiet meet his eyes. He looked sad, guilty almost. Maybe he's lost a patient he used to treat.

"Have your parents explained your condition and why you're here?" He asked looking towards my mum and dad who both shook their lowered heads sniffling every so often. He gave me a quick smile before ticking a box on his clipboard that he held tightly to his chest.

"Three days ago you had a seizure in school causing you to black out, you've been unconscious in hospital for those remainder days." My eyes widened as I opened my mouth to talk but my voice just came out disoriented.

My mum reached over grabbing a glass of water and handing it to me, I gulped all of the drink back not realising how thirsty I was, asking for another drink with my hands I chugged back another glass sighing in content when I whispered underneath my breath testing out my voice box and releasing it was coming back.

Love, Poison.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz