One Last Breath

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(Third Person POV)

3 and Mario arrived at the site, Mario being a little bit late.

"I don't see either of them, but they're around here somewhere."

"Well wherever they are, Mario's a-ready to KILL."

The both of them started to search around the place. Around every corner, door, and bush in the area.

"Find anything yet?" 3 called back to Mario.


Mario sat down for a second, already tired from the search. 3 walked over beside him.

"We haven't checked the woods yet. We should look there. I know how to navigate it."

"How do you know your way around that-a place?"

"...skill. Pure skill."

"..alrighty then. Let's-a go!"

Mario followed 3 through the maze of trees, making sure to keep an eye on him so they wouldn't get lost. Suddenly, Mario felt his shoe step in something soft and squishy. It emitted a weird gurgling noise as he stepped back.

"Uh, SMG3, did you-a bring a flashlight?"


"There's something on the floor.."

Sighing, 3 pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight, pointing it downwards. He was disturbed to see a strand of red flesh covering the forest floor. This stuff was all over the ground and the trees. Teeth and eyes emerged from places on them and gurgled. They seemed to notice 3 and Mario.

"..fucking gross. Come on Mario. Just try to step over it. I think we're close to something."

Nodding, Mario kept following 3. Soon enough, they reached a clearing, one that was quite familiar to 3.

And up at the top of the hill laid SMG4 up against the tree. He looked incredibly pale. Some of the flesh that they saw earlier was attached to him. He didn't seem to even notice, it looked like he was asleep. The fake Shadow stood in front of him.

'Is this thing.. feeding off him?' 3 could feel his blood begin to boil at this point.

"Mario.." 3 looked at him. "I'm going to distract that guy. Can you try to get 4 out of there?"

Mario, determined, nodded.

"Great. In that case.." 3 pulled out his blade and charged forward, carefully dodging the flesh. Once he reached the top, he leaped and stabbed the imposter in the head, sending it flying back. He wanted to give some time to Mario so he could actually get a chance of saving 4.

He started to run over to where it had fallen. The creature slowly recoiled up and locked its eyes on 3. Before it could even get the chance to move, 3 slashed right through its mask, letting the two pieces fall to the ground. The same fleshy mess was still under it. Its sideways mouth snapped open and closed as it lunged at 3. Claws tore out of its gloves and slashed at him. It hit his cheek. Blood poured out of the wound as 3 got back up.

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