Chapter One

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The Hogwarts Express came to a halt and the patter of feet filled the enclosed space. Students pushed their way out the doors of the train. Everybody was throwing themselves around each other after mere three months away from Hogwarts. I waited until the train car emptied before leaving my seat and grabbed my bag exiting the train car. I  kept walking minding my own not expecting anyone to wrap their arms around me and ask how my summer was. I didn't see any familiar faces that I would have considered my friends.
"Jadis!!!" A soft feminine voice exclaimed
I barely had the chance to turn to my name before my dear friend Poppy nearly strangled me to death. I wasn't expecting Poppy to be back so soon after she and her Gran traveled to Ireland to conduct more research on the magnificent beasts, Fwoopers. I awaited her letters to arrive each week, she couldn't send them fast enough. I almost wished I had taken up her offer and gone with her until the school year started. I finally laced my arms around her after gaining my breath back.

"What are you doing back so soon?! I thought you and you're Gran weren't going to be back until the end of September?" I asked gripping her shoulders.

"Gran is still in Ireland, but I just couldn't miss my last first day of Hogwarts. I think Gran and I were pretty close to finishing up our research, so I made the decision to come back early"

"That's great to hear, to be quite honest I am really glad you decided to come back early. I missed you this summer. With Natty and her mother going away to visit family in Africa all summer, I was stuck with Sebastian, Ominis,and Garreth. I am in much need of a girls' night out".
I wasn't complaining about hanging out with them, I had the best summer yet with them. We nearly spent all of our free time together and I actually stayed with Sebastian for the majority of the summer break in Feldcroft. We played tons of backyard quidditch, and went on glorious hikes, but mostly spent most of our time seated around Sebastian's living room . Though, boys can get so moody. I quite honestly think they can be worse than girls. Garreth accidentally went too far with a joke and Sebastian quite literally ignored him for three days.

"Well, your in luck tonight!" Poppy exclaimed "The Sixth and Seventh year
Gryffindors are holding a back-to-school party tonight. You, Me, and Natty can catch up there"
We huffed our way up the inclined dirt path leading to Hogwarts. We were far behind the other students by a good mile. I didn't mind though, it was peaceful just walking with Poppy.
"That sounds fantastic! I can't wait for tonight then. Something is dearly wrong with you if you turn down an iconic Gryffindor party"

"Actually, you're mad if you turn down any party"

Poppy and I shared our latest adventures as we continued to trudge up the dirt path. I sure did not miss this walk, it was absolutely the worst, especially after hours of traveling.


I made my way down to the Dungeons where the Slytherin common room was. The room hadn't changed one bit, it was still dark with candlelit light and a calming ambiance. Dark leather couches and dark stained coffee tables littered the ginormous room. My eyes moved towards the windows facing the Black Lake, there stood Ominis and Sebastian. If they weren't hanging out in the undercroft I could easily find the seated around the ginormous pane of glass. This was our spot and rarely anyone sat here beside us. Sebastian smacked Ominis' arm as an indication that I was moving toward them. I give them a pleasant smile as they grew closer.

"I felt like I haven't seen you two in ages" I teased

I placed my hand gently on Ominis' shoulder to indicate I was standing next to him.

"Not like we spent every waking hour with each other" Sebastian said with some sarcasm

"I really can't believe our final school year has already begun" spoke Ominis

"I couldn't agree more, summer felt like a mere couple of weeks. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun" I responded
"Did you guys catch word that Gryffindor's sixth and seventh years are throwing a welcome-back party?"

"Seriously? We knew about it before we even got here" Sebastian said with his Honey Brown eyes rolling up to the sky.

"Leave the poor girl alone, Sebastian, she was clearly just trying to make some quick conversation," Ominis said with a slight grin on his cheek.

"You guys don't always have to tease me! It was just a bloody question" I said as my eyebrows furrowed at them.
They both just laughed at me, causing a slight heat to grow across my freckles cheeks.

"Fine, I will see you both at tonight's ceremony. I am going to go settle into my room and change into my robes for tonight"

I was eager to see how many first years we were getting this year. I always looked forward to the sorting ceremony, I honestly wish that I had been able to experience it as a first year along with the rest of my class.


I was in the same dorm room I was assigned to in my fifth year with the same roommates. I was still distasteful about my roommate's a matter of fact, I had to share the space with Imelda Reyes and her snotty little friend Harley Thatcher, a tiny blonde Slytherin who fed off Imelda's unsavory energy and attitude.
I was grateful to find that they had already come and gone after observing their robes were gone off their beds. I looked over to my where my space in the room was, my chest was already waiting for me at the end of my bed and my new robes for the year were neatly placed across the bed. I received a new robe, a pair of black slacks, a white blouse, and a green and silver striped tie.
I grabbed my wand and pointed it towards the door placing a quick locking charm while I changed into my robes. Everything seemed to fit perfectly, the blouse was just a little tight around my chest and the slacks showed off the curves around my hips. After throwing my robes around my petite shoulders, I ran my fingers through my dark curls and looked in the mirror. I was satisfied with my appearance and started my long walk to the Great Hall.
I pushed the large dark oak doors open to the Great Hall, I was one of the last show up based on how crowded the tables already were. I glanced my way over to the Gryffindor Table to see if I could spot Natty, but no luck still. Instead, I found Garreth smiling and waving at me with much enthusiasm. Bless his heart he was a sweetie. I smiled and returned the gesture as I sat between Ominis and Sebastian. I felt Imelda and Harley's eyes burning Into me. It was no secret that Imelda had been trying to get Sebastian's romantic attention ever since the middle of her sixth year. She was always so jealous of our friendship because I happened to be best friends with the most attractive Slytherin Boys. I glanced back at her before I peeked up and said my Hellos to my friends.

"Ahem" coughed Headmaster Black as he tapped his spoon against his glass presumably half full of wine, as he moved toward the podium placed centered in the front of the Great Hall.

The hall slowly silenced as he awaited our devoted attention.

Sebastian leaned in close to my ear and whispered,                                                                                      "Do you think he will give the same stupid speech he did last year?"

I giggled in response gleaming back up at his eyes.

Professor Black indeed gave the same never-ending speech as the year before. He spoke slowly and continued to shuffle through the pieces of parchment placed on the podium like he hadn't read over them a thousand times beforehand. Looking around, barely anyone paid attention as we began to shovel food onto our plates with large helpings. We all sat there and devoured our meals as the new First Years were guided into the Great Hall by Professor Weasley, it was time for the ceremony to begin. Each first-year was wide-eyed as the sorting hat was placed on their head and screamed out their new houses . The hall filled with cheers and applause after each student was sorted. Many students were sorted into Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, I wasn't surprised. Those are the houses that students hope for and Slytherin was often associated with dark magic. The annual ceremony finally came to an end and Professor Black dismissed us for the evening after holding us hostage for hours.  The food that was once in front of me was now gone leaving no trace that it was ever there. I perked up and swung my legs out from the benches. I linked my arms with Sebastian and Ominis and we galloped our way back down to the dungeons.

In the Shadow of Devotion (Sebastian Sallow & Garreth Weasley love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now