Chapter Eighteen

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Imelda and I walked into our room together in the upmost silence. Harley was laying across her bed kicking her feet up in the air when we walked in. Imelda went straight up to her and whispered in her ear, making her let out a soft giggle. I went directly to my bed and began to disrobe, throwing my robes onto my bed. I didn't care as I walked over to my chest and rummaged through it as I stood there in my panties and bralette. I went for my go to and grabbed a pair of black nylons and a skin tight black dress with a low cut back. I slid the tights on and slipped the dress in over the top of me, pulling it down right just above my knees. I unclasped my bra and added it to the pile of robes sitting on my bed. I smoothed out the wrinkles on my dress and walked over to my desk and took a seat. I sat at the desk and rummaged through the clutter of cosmetics in my drawer. I powdered my nose lightly before adding a bit of eyeshadow and mascara. I grabbed my brush letting it run through my soft curls, I was debating if I wanted to to do anything to it. I could put it up and accentuate the backless dress. I decided to go with that idea and put it up into a loose ponytail and twirled my fingers around the ends letting the curls form back. I spritzed some of my favorite perfume and decided I was ready to put my heels on and go. I chose sone chunky heels and grabbed a light cardigan for if I got cold. Imelda and Harley had already left the room minutes before me. How kind that she waited for me? I closed the door behind me turning off the lights.
The now group was standing outside the Slytherin common room chatting away. I guess I was the last one to show up. Sebastian turned his to look at me and then quickly looked back at Imelda as she locked his hand into hers. Garreth let his hand slide across my waist as he gripped me into his hip.

"You look stunning tonight Jadis"

I smiled up at him a pushed a light kiss into his lips. He pulled me in even tighter planting a deep kiss into me. I smiled against his lips before we pulled away.

"Thank you love"

Garreth was also wearing his usual go to night outfit. He was wearing a pair of black trousers and a red, white, and black plaid shirt with a nice black jacket. I wrapped my hand tightly around his waist as he pulled me in close to him again. With that we made our back up to the main hall to leave.


We walked through the crowded pub at Three Broomsticks. Bodies bumped against me as we walked through the narrow path between witches and wizards. My hand tightened in Garreth's as we moved towards the back of the pub. I was feeling a little anxious with how many people were here, but when I looked up at Garreth all of it disappeared. I felt like it was just him and I and no else, until Sebastian grabbed my arm handing me a shot glass of fire whiskey. He must of went straight to the counter when we walked in, and I just did not notice. I took the small glass from him, his fingers lingered too long against mine. I felt a small heat raise in my stomach as he watched me pull from his light grasp. I immediately knocked back the brown liquid, letting it burn down my throat. I shook my head and let my lips slightly pucker at the warm after taste. I needed more to mask this new feeling, I turned to Garreth after he swallowed the cinnamon liquid.

"Want to go order some more" I said letting my lip lightly touch his earlobe


I Did a quick head count. There was Sebastian, Imelda, Harley and her boy toy of the night, Garreth, and I. Garreth and I moved through the crowd around the counter and orderd two rounds. I slapped a couple galleons on the counter and picked up the small tray they provided. The other members of tonight's group were seated around a square table placed in the back of the seating area. I slid the tray to the center of the table and handed everyone two glasses. Garreth and I took a seat and quickly knocked back both glasses. I was already beginning to feel the liquor loosening me up a bit. I let my head lightly rest in Garreths shoulder. I couldn't help but bite at my lower lip as I watched Sebastian knock his head back, allowing me to catch a good look at his chiseled jaw and watching his Adam's apple Bob as he swallowed. Imelda caught me staring and I instantly moved my vision up to  Garreth's eyes. A smile plastered across my face as I caught him laughing at Harley's dates joke. My heart felt warm watching laugh.
Sebastian stood from the table and walked back towards the busy counter, he was already ordering more. I guess it was go big or home kind of night. He had one upped me when he returned. On the tray sat eighteen shot glasses. Oh Merlin, three shots of fire whiskey back to back. I knew I could handle it, but I already know I was going to regret it when I woke up. I moved the three glasses towards me as a waitress came and cleared our empty glasses. I took a deep breath in before I knocked back the glass, letting it barely make it to my stomach before I grabbed the second and third knocking them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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