Chapter Four

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     My heart sunk a little as Sebastian lifted himself from the couch and shuffled towards me. My thumb now rubbing my left palm.

" Where did you and Weasley wander off to? You could have said something"

"We snuck into the library" I responded

"So you two could shag? hmmm"

My heart began to thump in my chest. He seemed slightly irritated that I snuck off with Garreth. I know he was drunk, but I didn't like the way he was looking at me at this moment.

" Of Course not!" I defended
"We just wanted to be to stop being interrupted, which still didn't work out in our favor"

His Lips were pressed into a thin line now and his eyebrows cocked up.

"You could have at least told me where you went Jadis, I was worried that you had gone off a gotten yourself hurt or something"

" Well you seemed to be a bit preoccupied with your drink" I lied

He moved closer placing his hand on my right shoulder.

"Well I was worried about you, next time let me know so that I know you're safe"

"You're right 'Bastian, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking. Just don't expect it every time, sometimes the moment gets swept away. Is that a deal?"

He smirked at me. "Fine"


I am glad that the conversation ended, I was not in the mood to argue and get a lecture from him. It was nice to have someone watch my back, but sometimes he was too protective of me, which could get annoying at times. I did feel a little guilty about just leaving him there and sneaking off with Garreth. I didn't let the thoughts get me down, I'm sure he would understand and forgive me in the morning. I let my thoughts fill with Garreth.

Sebastian looped his arm in mine, I pushed my weight into him as the liquor continued to catch up with my body and he helped me stumble to my room. I honestly don't know how he was walking so fine when last I saw of him he couldn't even keep his head up. I placed my hand on the door thanking him. I shut the door behind me. Imelda and Harley had yet to return, I sighed in relief. I stumbled to my bed as I began to undress and slip into my silk emerald nightgown. I rolled up into the comfort of my plush bed. My arms flopped to either side of me. My mind raced to the thought of Garreth's touch. I was still flabbergasted that I snogged one of my best friends and didn't regret it. I fell asleep to the thought of my lips against his. I have never felt this way before.


I awoke to the loud thud of Harley kicking her foot into her chest. It was nearly seven in the morning. I didn't move I just stared as she stumbled to her bed. I wondered who she had spent the night with, she was never with the same guy twice. I didn't think anymore of it as my eyelids were still heavy and my head ached. I shut my eyes again to relieve the pain.
I nearly slept until ten that morning, but the chatter of gossiping in the room woke me up. I rolled over my mouth dry and my eyes stung as I opened them to a brightly lit room. Imelda had opened all of the curtains and lit every candle surely out of spite for the resting. I didn't bother to acknowledge my bothersome roommates. I pulled myself out of bed and immediately felt the need to relieve my stomach. I quickly placed my feet in my slippers and rushed to the girl's bathroom. I flung myself over the toilet to the nearest stall and heaved up what remained in my stomach. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and flushed the loo. I pushed myself to the first open shower room and undressed. I conjured my shower essentials and some fresh clothing. It was Saturday so there was no need to dress in my robes. I turned the spout and let the warm water trickle down my body, I closed my eyes the water ran down my face. The warm water felt heavenly as it soaked my body. I washed up and wrapped my body in my charmed heated towel. I placed myself in front of the mirror next to the shower. I whipped my wand and used the drying charm on my hair and dressed. I decided to wear a pair of dark trousers and a light blue blouse with a dark bind around my waist. I pulled my locks into a loose bun and pulled some loose hairs out to shape my face. I cast Evanesco on my items and sent them back to my room and headed to the common area to join Ominous and Sebastian. I plopped myself into the chair beside them and achingly moved my hands to my temple.

In the Shadow of Devotion (Sebastian Sallow & Garreth Weasley love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now