My Crush Was A Monster Boy [Cover by JubyPhonic P]

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One sided love of mine, who always cared for animals

Latch-key, lonely, transferred from another school

Rumors spread around the class and made it to my leery ears

That the always walked alone; oh how sad

Summer skies and long goodbyes were said into a microphone

Ending all our meet and greets; don't go away now

Wanting just another word I stepped out from the fleeting crowd

Follow him -- don't get lost; just cant wait

Passing by his house, riding by the stream

Scraping through a grove of overgrown trees

Going into a shop, Buying just ice cream

Tell me where in the world is he trying to go?

Up atop a very lonely hill, overlook the quiet wheezing town

Followed him intentions unaware, witless to the secret I had found

Flung a treat into the open air, crunched down hard with affluence of teeth

This one boy -- admired through and through, also raised a tiny monster

Summer drawing very close - he whispered in the heated air

Pulling just a finger to a pair of pursed lips

"Keep this a secret. A secret okay?"

Then we wrapped our pinkies on that day

Running through the grass, swimming in the stream

Together you and me, and monster

Sitting side by side, Talking days and days, 

Never will I forget that setting sun

Eating melted ice cream soup, Laughing bout it with a giant grin

Summer love is beckoning again, beating beating like a rushing wind

Reaching out to grab ahold your hand, but just then a rattle broke the land

In a flash it all was done at once, monster ate my only summer love

Oh come to think of it, today was the end of our summer holiday

I could almost hear your voice. Then the monster made a laughing noise.

Laughing in a voice like yours, reaching out to help me with a hand so coarse

"Hey wait! Is it really you?" "Yes it is! It's really me!"

Then we took each other's hands, 

With second term just about to start

Suddenly a burst of cries was spreading through the school

Screaming crying shouting had been sounded all the same

Finally the two of us could rule hand in hand Then 

Beating beating repeated again

Just as we had entered through the gates

Field day was just about to start

When the pistol shot is sounded out

We will run so ready steady go!

Jump through hoops to make a leap and bound

Why not aim for winning first place?

As we scarf our ice cream down, where you think should we both go?

Flung a treat into the open air, crunched down hard with affluence of teeth

This one boy -- admired through and through,

also is an awesome monster boy!

In the middle where the cute boy dude got like, eaten, I was like "THE HECK MAN?!" but near the end, I was like "D'awwww..." in a way. Let's face it, this is one of those sick-sweet songs that you can't help but think of as weird and adorable at the same time. •-• Cover and English Lyrics by: JubyPhonic P; Original vocals: Megpoid Gumi- My Crush Was A Monster Boy

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