Answer [Luka Megurine]

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After that, so many years have passed by

And the scenery's blurring out of sight

Time is crueler, then it is kind

The town we used to live in together,

And the promise we both had made

It all eventually faded under the sunlight, oh. . .

The gears of a frozen clock hand are turning again

Spinning toward some other time

The rain showers down, no matter despair or relief

Bit by bit, they all seem to fade away

It's strange how a certain pain is still aching 

Deep in my chest, inside that special place in my heart

The memories of your voice, just calling out my name

Will never stop sounding vivid as the same

The thorns that should have disappeared with you so long ago

Are always piercing me, as to remind me

That this feeling right now, is now a new chain

That we will always carry away

No, I don't regret it one bit

But sometimes I like to imagine

A world where everything was perfect A world where we'd be together

Through different meetings since then I've encountered different types of love

The love I'm in right now

It's one that's going well

After quite a rainy storm It's become peaceful and calm

And so now...

My broken heart has been healed

Yet why is that every season that goes by

I call out for you again

To the irreplacable time long ago

As with the memories of you by my side

From now on and maybe always

You'll be living in a corner of my heart

I think back to a time that we can never go back to

Laughing at myself like I don't know this pain

It's sad how we broke apart without a good reason then

Drifting away, no answer to the question

But every time the feelings surface though my mind again

You and I, will always just be friends

So I actually, edited a few- okay maybe like the whole song with my own lyrics, but it's not too different...I feel proud and accomplished. And that whisteling at the end... (╥﹏╥) I- I love this sequel. Oh! And yeah, this is a sequel song to the song Just Be Friends, made by the same creator a few months or years after JBF came out! But in this song, it's through Luka's point of view. (▰˘◡˘▰)

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