thirty seven - history remains

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[third person's pov]

"Just so you know, I am into fighting men and I don't mind seeing you fall here until all of you are dead." Larissa said which made Aliyah step back and hold Larissa's waist. The young lady was so worried that tears began to burst out of her eyes. She's blaming herself for being a boastful girl who doesn't even know how to fight. And now that she catched the triggers of the bastard, it's Larissa who is in danger.

"And we won't let that giant auntie kick all of your asses by herself." The bastards looked back, shocked to see three more woman behind their back. Little did they know that this is one of the ladies' headquarters.

"Miss Frump? Abby?" Aliyah paused because she doesn't know Carol's name but she knows that it's Larissa good old friend. The young lady was indeed shocked seeing them all together.

"What now? More aunties of the 60's?" The bastard complained more.

Larissa can't conceal her smirk since she knows that they are already in safe hands. But deep inside, she knows that she can take them down all by herself.

"Aw!" Morticia placed her hand on her chest, "That's offensive." she whispered which made Abby and Carol glanced at her.

"Well if you're offended, give him a shot." Carol suggested. They were all standing and waiting for what's going to happen next.

"Really?" Morticia asked before stepping forward near the man. She starts to caress the man's cheek, "This auntie still has a lot of things that she can do." she whispered, trying to seduce the guy.

Carol held her forehead.

"Tish!" Abby shout-whispered which made Morticia look back, still not letting go of hand on the man. "Not that kind of shot."

"I know." Morticia winked at her girls before kicking the bastard's balls. The man's groan thundered all over the place. "Oh, sorry." Morticia apologized sweetly in a sarcastic way as she lifts up her soft silky dress revealing her legs and the gun clipped on her knees which caused the kick to be more painful because of that hard equipment.

The other men were triggered so they prepared themselves quickly. However, before they were able to move, from the back, Larissa already grabbed two of the men's head and she bumped them together causing them to fall on the ground. One of the bastards slowly walked towards Carol, he was smiling yet in an evil way. He stopped when they were already 7 feet apart.

"5 boys versus 4 ladies. Would you think of that?" Carol asks balancing her smirk with him.

"Sorry, but the guy she hurt, that's my guy over there—" the man sprint on the way to her but before he was able to reach her, Carol already did a move to prevent the man from hurting her. She jumped and stretched one of her leg so she could kick the man's midriff. When she did, the man flew all the way back to where he was standing before.

Everyone continued to brawl except for that one guy who was completely blown away with what's happening. On the other hand, Abby went to Aliyah who is also shocked about the circumstances.

"Dearest, come here." she held Aya's hand and then they went a few meters away from them so she wouldn't get hurt. She didn't leave her sight on Larissa who continues to fight with the bastards. "Stay here and don't come near us—" Abby was cut off when a man held her shoulders from behind. Aliyah's eyes widened which is already a sign that it's one of the bastards. "Everything is gonna be okay as long as you are with us." she told her before grabbing the bottle of wine behind Aliyah and then she briskly hit the guy on the head behind her. The wine bottle broke that quick and the man almost fell with that sudden action. "You insulted my girls." Abby said once again before she injected the broken bottle on the man's left eye. Finally, the man fell down, screaming and screeching for his life.

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