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As her third week of producing ended, she was really proud of the work she's done so far and she can't wait for the finished product. She's had a great time with Gustavo and David, and it was truly an honor to work with them.

She was able to watch some of the filming for the first couple of episodes and she loved watching Pedro in his element. In between scenes he looked incredibly happy to work with everyone around him. He never forgot to thank anyone, he was exceptionally gracious and kind.

She couldn't help but admire all of him. Pedro became increasingly more distant ever since she started. Their small conversations in hallways turned to hellos which became small smiles while passing each other. She started thinking about him more and more. She tried ignoring her thoughts of Pedro. She was fooling herself if she thought Pedro would ever want to be friends, let alone anything more. He was a heartthrob, a man who had many more women to choose from. She decided to go for it and texted her friend.

evie 🪐
bella!! do you think u could do me a small favor??🫢

Evie! Hey, ofc what's up?

evie 🪐
could you possibly give me pedro's number? pretty please with a cherry on top

😏😏 I will 100% do that for you.

thank you bella boo, see u monday💕

see you monday!! i need ss as soon as ur done talking to him. i'm playing cupid here and i need to see how my works going💘

evie 🪐
cupid????? noooo, idk what ur talking about, we're barely friends

yeah, sure 💀

She huffed at the text as she opened up a new message page on her phone and pasted his number in. She wrote out her text before hesitating to send. Once she pressed the arrow, she immediately put her phone on to do not disturb.

Hi! This is Evangeline. I hope you don't mind that I got your number from Bella.

Hello! I don't mind at all. You know my bellie?

Evangeline Parker
Bellie?? Stop that's so cute 😣 I do know them. We ended up being fans of each other and hit it off quickly!

Bella and Ellie. I came up with it myself 😌😌
That's great, I had no idea. I haven't seen you guys talk or anything at the studio.

Evangeline Parker
We have been lol. You might have seen if you weren't avoiding me
Sorry that was mean
and presumptuous
Forget i said that lol😣

After she sent that she felt silly. It was silly that she thought she was even someone that he would need to avoid. They've only talked a few times, yet it feels like they've been friends for months.

Pedro was hit with a wave of guilt after reading her text. He was avoiding her. Subconsciously at least. He felt selfish for not even giving her a chance to be friends. The last thing he wanted to be was selfish.

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