Chapter 2: First sight

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[The Next day it was time for the 1st round of the Shovelware's Brain game, Dancing Banana and his nephews got into D.B's car and drove to the studio in Hollywood, Once they arrived to their destination they into their positions and greeted the announcer and Boardy as it was time to start the show. Dancing banana went to his special room to get ready with his bow tie, lines and everything. Meanwhile Bentley the oldest nephew was getting in position as the camera man, Max the middle nephew getting in position to where he pulls the rope for the prizes, and Peel the youngest nephew and the manager of the show was getting the audience ready to get seated before starting the show.]

Announcer: We've been filming nonstop for weeks at this point and I honestly kind of just want to go home, but instead I'm here announcing that it's time for Shovelware's Brain Game!

[The camera moves to the yellow doors and once it opened up it showed the dancing banana himself winking at the audience]

Announcer: He's got smiles for miles, it's your host, the Dancing Banana!

[As the audience started clapping for him as the Dancing Banana went to the stage]

Dancing banana: I'm contractually obligated to be here!

[As time passes the participants were answering some educational questions, Some got them wrong, some got them right and some just got caught on fire or got car batteried, how the fuck did they even get many car batteries if they're low on budget anyways. And when Boardy came out to help with the questions one of the participants would yell "SHUT UP BOARDY" or "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE", Boardy knows he doesn't get paid enough for the type of shit the participants have with him, after many rounds soon the show was about to end until a green fruit  from the audience decided to speak; interrupting the show.]

Pear: Pardon me... I was told there would be humorous content in this show. And yet I haven't laughed even once!

Dancing Banana: Do you want a refund or something?

Pear: A REFUND? Psshahahahahaha! A refund? No, you simple fool... What I want is much larger... I WANT [thinks about it for a second] A refund would be quite nice, actually...

Dancing Banana: Well you laughed now, so you can't have one anymore

Pear: I- uh- [gets an dissapointed face and sits back down]

[As the show ended and the audience started walking to the Exit it was lunch time for the others, as each and one of them took out their lunch boxes in the lunch room, Dancing Banana had thoughts about the Pear recently. He did not know why he was thinking about the green fruit for no exact reason, he only spoke 3 sentences to him! And to make things "worse" His face was getting a bit red and warmer the more he thinks about the green fruit. Instead of eating lunch with the others Dancing Banana had to go outside for a very small walk to get his mind off the Pear before the show begins once again.]

Oldest Nephew (Bentley): Where are you going uncle bossman?

Dancing Banana: I'm going for a small walk, I have to get something out of my head that's all [starts walks out of the lunch room]

Announcer: That was strange

Peel: For you guys, Uncle sometimes does it when we're home. It's probably because he is illegal

Announcer: No not that! I meant that his face was a bit red. He NEVER does that!

Oldest Nephew (Bentley): I think It's love at first sight, Uncle bossman is gay after all.

Peel: What do you mean by that?

Oldest Nephew (Bentley): When the green fruit guy said "What I want is much larger" that probably means that he wanted Uncle's di- [Gets his mouth covered by Boardy]

Boardy: Don't say inappropriate things in front of your younger siblings who STILL have their innocence, especially Peel

Oldest Nephew (Bentley): [Gets Boardy's hand out of his mouth] This is why the participants never want you to be in the stage 

Boardy: And I don't get paid enough for that! 

Announcer: Guys don't start an argument, We don't know why D.B decided to go for a small walk. Give him some time.

[As Dancing Banana came back to the lunchroom he saw the green fruit still at the gift shop, D.B wanted to speak to the fruit but got chills and has decided not to. Once he greeted the others once again they went back to the show with many rounds until it was night. Everyone went home and gotten ready for the next dat.]

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