Chapter 7: Restaurant meeting

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[Friday afternoon at 4:28 PM, It has been a week and 2 days ever since Dancing Banana saw Pear. DB was having anxiety and was overthinking on what happened to Pear, the nephews knew about their uncle's anxiety and were scared that his mental health has gotten worse. And when DB was at his game show he would stress himself and try his best to keep a smile on his face for his audience/fans so that they shouldn't be worried about him, Not only the newphews noticed but Announcer and Boardy noticed that DB was not in a good state. They all were tired of seeing DB stressed out till they all had a short similar like meeting with Dancing Banana]

Announcer: Hey DB, what's wrong? [puts his hand on Dancing's back]

Dancing Banana: Wrong with what? I'm completely fine

Peel: Uh, no you're not uncle. You've been like this for a week! What's the matter? [crosses his arms looking at Dancing with an worried expression]

Dancing Banana: Peel don't get involved with this..

Announcer: Peel does have the right to get involved in this DB, he's your youngest nephew and the nephew that looks after you very much.

Dancing Banana: I'm fine, you guys shouldn't be worried about me..

Max (middle nephew): Uncle, is it because of that green guy you've been talking with? [looks at Dancing Banana with puppy eyes]

Dancing Banana: [looks at Max but gives no answer and gives a look of disappointment ]

Announcer: [gives a confused look and looks at DB] What green why?

Dancing Banana: [sighs] you don't need to know, Bentley can tell you. I need some alone time [walks out of the meeting]

[Announcer, Boardy, Peel and Max turned to Bentley]

Bentley (oldest nephew): [mumbles] {Why did unclebossman let me explain the rest?} These past few days Unclebossman was speaking to a green fruit named Pear, they were becoming pretty close until Pear had stopped talking to him for the past week and 2 days, Uncle was worried about his absence and doesn't know what to do

Peel: This is why you keep talking to uncle 24/7?? Why are you stalking him!!

Bentley (oldest nephew): Uncle spills the tea to me, he knows that I'm interested on his love like, that's not stalking

Peel: Then why do always I see you go to Uncle when he's talking to that fruit

Bentley (oldest nephew): I don't do that-

Boardy: Can you two cut whatever you're doing, your uncle needs help at the time. Also isn't Pear the critic? The one that said that our show was trash but was excited for the gift shop?

Bentley (oldest nephew): Yes, exactly that fruit. They became from enemies to friends and maybe they might be lovers


Bentley (oldest nephew): The fuck am I supposed to know? But it does seem like they have a crush on each other.

Boardy: God, how does DB take care of these kids?

[Meanwhile with Dancing Banana]

Dancing Banana: [checks his phone to see any notifications] Please Pear.. Answer me, it's been a week and I think 2 days, yet I haven't received an answer from you. You didn't even showed up when I asked you to go to the restaurant. I'm so worried about you, I miss yo-

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