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16th April 2023, and a chance to go to A Big Night Out. It has been a stressful day to say the least. My dad was currently poorly and with my day job and other factors of life happening, I felt like I had to be the parent. My grandad took me to the station, and I couldn't help but break down.

"I just feel like I'm doing everything at the moment", I explained, "And it's exhausting. He couldn't even remember that my filmmaker friend is picking me up!"

"Oh sweetheart", my Grandad replied with a sympathetic ear, "I don't think he realises how much work you do. But you're handling it so well."

I was flattered by his compliment.

"Now go and have a nice time. Enjoy yourself."

"I will", I responded, and he gave me a kiss on the head as I got out of the car and waved goodbye.

I always loved the train journeys to Nottingham. You get to see different kinds of people, from groups of youths arguing on who's buying the first round, to entrepreneurs and business people completing work on the train. Speaking of entrepreneurs, I had The Diary of a CEO hosted by the incredible Steven Bartlett to listen to on the way down. His interviews are always so eye opening and deep, with the guests showing their darkest sides to show not only that they had to go through hurdles in their life, but it's those hurdles that made them the people they are today. That always inspires and motivates me.

I got to the theatre earlier as usual, and I had my dinner. A chicken salad sandwich, with crisps and a fruit pot. It was absolutely scrumptious. I then walked into the theatres and of course I had to get some merchandise (as I can't not go to a show and get some merchandise), as my friend Mike came at last.

When he came, it was good to have a proper catchup. I hadn't seen him in ages (probably since last Christmas), so it was interesting to find out what he's got up to since we met last time. Once we found our area to sit, we started talking about life. But he noticed that I wasn't myself.

"Are you okay?" he asked, "You don't seem alright".

"I..." I stumbled, but he could tell I was about to burst into tears. He comforted me with a gentle hug, knowing full well I needed it. And needed it was. I was so glad to have a friend like John, as I can easily be vulnerable and he is the person where if you have a problem, he will be there.

I then explained to him about my dad, and how I feel like everything is too much for me at the moment.

"Oh bless ya", he replied, "but if it's any consolation with you, I've not had the best of luck recently."

"Really?" I asked, "How so?"

"Well I had to cut my hours from my job as its getting a bit too much. Apparently, my boss is breaking a big rule where I work, so I was glad I cut them when I did."

I was literally gobsmacked. "Wow!" I replied, "I'm sorry to hear that."

He appreciated my kindness, "It's okay. And thank you for being so open with me. It's good that you can."

I felt more appreciated in that moment, and it was good for me I wasn't the only one going through challenging times.

I then couldn't help but yawn, as the early morning shift earlier on that day has definitely taken its toll.

"Sorry", I responded.

"It's okay", he replied, "I've been feeling the same. I once managed to sleep for 13 hours. Don't know how but immediately I felt so much better."

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Sounds like you definitely needed it."


We then both chuckled along with it.

"Thanks for accepting my invitation to come to the show", I said.

"No worries. Thank you for inviting me", he replied, "I'm just glad to do something before I go off on my travels."

"When are you going away again?" I asked.

"Well I'll be travelling around Asia in June for 6 weeks, and then when I come back to do the feature film, I'll be moving to Australia from August for a year/year and a half."

I was curious to know, "You will come back to the UK at some point, won't you?"

He made sure if it, "Oh absolutely. Mainly to see family at Christmas, so I'll be sure to come and see you before I go back."

Mike had been talking about travelling for a while. He did go to Australia before, but he mentioned that he was going to explore a different part of the world and gain new opportunities. He even mentioned about possibly starting a web series from Australia with another actor friend, and that I was definitely intrigued. I was surprised I wasn't upset by his upcoming departure, as even though we've been friends for a couple of years it feels like a lifetime. But I knew he was born to be a traveller, so I was wanting him to spread his wings.

"Besides", he said, "There is one thing about travelling I'm looking forward to."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I won't miss everyone talking about the weird theories everyone states."

Now I was intrigued. "Weird theories?"

"Yeah. Like how people think the earth is flat, and how apparently the sun is a lightbulb, and finally how we are just being held by a disc, and its used to keep being earth afloat."

I couldn't believe what he was saying at that point, "Some people are crazy!"

"Tell me about it."

We couldn't help but chuckle. It wasn't even showtime but already I feel a million times better. We then made our way to find our seats. I sat back and recorded a video diary for my project I'm participating in. I mentioned that I wasn't sure what to expect but whatever it is, I'm looking forward to it. My friend had a good response to it.

"I think it's good to not expect anything as it makes the whole experience more enjoyable."

I couldn't have said it better myself as I rounded off the recording.

I then mentioned about two acts from Britain's Got Talent being part of the show, and he recognised one of the names mentioned.

"Oh he was fantastic! I saw him on America's Got Talent Allstars, and I can't wait to see what he does next."

"Me too! And the runner up from that same year is also brilliant. He's only 14 as well!"

Mike couldn't believe it. "Really?" he replied, "Wow he must be good!"

Before I knew it, the lights went down, and the announcer came on...

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to A Big Night Out. Please make sure all mobiles are switched off or on silent, and recording is strictly prohibited. But you are allowed to take photos of the curtain call. Thank you and enjoy the show."

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