Act 1

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It was finally time for the show. It opened with a spectacular performance. With Matrix Illusion, Matthew Corke and Stephanie Clift opening with a beautiful rendition of "Runaway baby" by Bruno Mars. I never heard of them personally, but they did a brilliant opening number to the show. Then it happened. The host came on.

"Will you please welcome to the stage..." The announcer called out, "Ben Nickless!"

Me and Mike gave off a massive applause as he came out on stage. I was in awe of Ben since he came on BGT. He may not have won the show, but I know that the show itself can open a lot of doors.

"Thank you so much everyone," he greeted, "I can't belief that this time last year I was on BGT, and now I'm literally the luckiest man alive so thank you everyone!"

I couldn't belief it was that long ago since he was on BGT.

"You know Nottingham is one of my favourite places in the world. So I'm so thrilled to be back here. We've got some amazing acts for you tonight."

We all gazed with interest.

"But first here is a little rap I've been working on. I need you all to clap your hands for me really nice and loud. Come on!"

We all clapped our hands in time with the music as Ben did his rap. In it there were references to the former Health Secretary (not mentioning names), the pandemic and how he ended up on BGT, and we all gave him a massive round of applause. I was enjoying it already, and it hasn't even properly started yet.

"Thank you so much everyone. I tell you something, whilst we're on the subject lockdown, it was a nightmare," he claimed, and I couldn't agree more, "When I couldn't work, I had to get a job at Chester Zoo. Of all the places I could work... it had to be at Chester Zoo!" we all giggled along with the story.

"I then got the news that the gorilla there had died." We all awed. "So then my boss said to me, 'get this on' so I got it on and then I went into this cage to be the gorilla. And made this noise I went..." and made the most ridiculous noise but it was a funny one.

"Anyway. We had a school trip and there were 30 kids there. 29 were good as gold but one... was a nightmare". At that point I was unsure if I should laugh or not. "He basically had an erm..." and he gestured his hand and whispered, "A lighter." We all tried to hold in our laughter.

"And he threw it in. And as soon as it went off, I was flying in the air. All the way to the lion's den. Literally as there was a massive Lion in a den. And I said to him, 'I don't care if I get the sack, I'm not going to be eaten by you Mr Lion'", and we all giggled as we knew the lion in the cage wasn't actually a real lion. We all gave off a massive applause.

Then before he introduced the next act, he did 20 impressions in 60 seconds, something he did in his BGT audition. This still amazes me to this day as even though some celebrities I didn't know, the ones I did know were spot on and made me giggle every time. I've always been a fan of impressions and to see it live was even more special.

After that delightful story he introduced the next act. "I'm pleased to introduce to you an amazing young man. Please welcome the incredible, Matthew Croke!"

We all gave off a massive applause. I didn't know what to expect but little did I know I was in for a massive surprise.

Matthew Croke came on and sung a medley of songs. I wasn't sure about him at first but then the build-up came along and immediately I was wrong about him. He had an amazing voice.

"Please give it up for the Katie Wright School of Dance". They were incredible backing dancers. Their tricks may look simply but the precision of their moves must've been difficult. And also knowing that there are children in the audience having complicated moves might confuse them slightly more.

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