~Chapter 1~

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Walking back to my dorm I feel a pair of eyes watching me. It's not abnormal at this point. I mean how could you not stare. I'm a werewolf in a normal college, my big ears and bushy tail make it kind of hard not to stare.

I grab my beanie from my bag and throw it on, embarrassed about the constant stares from everyone around me. Quickening my pace I make it back to my dorm room. Stepping inside I groan and remove my beanie, closing and locking the door behind me.

Rubbing my now sore ears I walk into my room and toss my bag on the floor. I sit in my wooden desk seat- complimentary of the university for this shit furniture.

I eyeball the stack of university brochures on my desk, it's only my first semester of my freshman year and I already want to go to a new college.

I've already applied to some supernatural only colleges, which reminds me, I need to check my mail!

Grabbing my mail key I jog out and downstairs and outside to the mail boxes, my tail swayed lightly in excitement. I unlocked the box and grabbed out my mail, suddenly I was pushed against the mail boxes, my nose hitting the corner of mine, blood already falling out.

A small groan escapes my lips as I hold my nose, after shoving me, the unknown person decided to also grab my ear harshly. My eyes squeezed shut as pain coursed through me.

In a split second I felt a slice and then seething pain, my head became fuzzy and then I was on the ground. My cloudy eyes glanced around and I saw the tip of my ear bloodied and on the ground next to me.

To weak to do anything I curled into a ball and sobbed, the unknown assailant decided it was funny to kick me while I was down. Kicking at my stomach and chest, I coughed up some blood and finally I passed out.

Stirring awake i jolted up suddenly. To my surprise I was in an infirmary of sorts. Confused as to where I was I called out for anyone,

"Hello, is anyone there?"

I saw my mom peak her head in, her ears tight to her head as tears streamed down her cheeks. I felt my own cloud up, I reached out and hugged her tightly. She returned the hug and held me as I cried,

"Oh my sweet pup, I'm so sorry this happened! I knew we should have never sent you there! I'm going to murder your father for this!"

I wipe my eyes lightly and pull away smiling softly,

"It's okay momma, I know it's all we could afford!"

She sat back and looked sad, but then it's like a switch flipped,

"Oh my goodness! I completely forgot to say! We are at your new school, you were accepted into Lunar Institute!!! They already moved all of your stuff for you and housed it in your own personal room. You got in on a scholarship too, so it's free! One of their students actually was the one who found you, he was walking by and smelled the blood. I already met him, he's super sweet!"

I froze in place, my hand flying to cover my mouth, my tender ears tucking to my soft hair. My eyes filling with tears as I choke out a sob, all the tension I had been holding slowly slipped away, as the tears carried them out of me and down my cheeks.

My mom held me as I cried softly, finally feeling safe and comfortable for once. As my cries calmed to sniffles, I heard a soft knock on the door. My ears quickly perked up and I winced a little at the sudden motion.

"C-come in!"

After I spoke, a rather attractive male, who was well built slowly stepped in. He wore a white lab coat with a golden H on the corner. I made a note mentally to ask about that later. He sat in the chair near the bed and smiled softly, Simple's decorated his soft cheeks. I felt incredibly comfortable with this man and relaxed, he spoke softly.

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