2. Do you want to kill a god with me?

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Your POV:
"Katherine!" I yelled from the gate, confirmation of my daily commissions being completed in my hands. I slammed the signed papers down on her desk so hard that I felt I might have chipped the wood. "Thank you for completing your daily commissions." She gently started placing various rewards down on the desk for my taking.

I have been living in Mondstat for a few months now carrying out the first bit of my plan. I got all of my talents to level 8 but I can't get them any higher due to the ascension limitations. I have all the materials I need except treasure hoarder insignias. I have been farming them for a while so I have all of their camps and the best route to get all the treasure hoarders in the shortest amount of time memorized.

Even though I just arrived, I immediately turned back towards the gate and started on the long and boring process called... 'farming'.

I did get some fowl from killing the birds on the bridge out of Mondstat so at least I'll have some lunch today.

--------------Time Skip--------------

None of the camps specifically were a pain to get to except one at the peak of a cliff next to a dragon's lair. In my routine I normally just skip this one but if I craft everything I have into golds I would still be short by one.

So here I was, trudging up a cliff to fight some stupid treasure hoarders.

I felt a drop of cold... and then a second.... then multiple..... It was raining. Most people don't like the rain but I like to freeze my enemies so they have no choice but to just stand there as I beat them to a pulp. And the cryo effect is constant when you're a catalyst user like me. :>

I love being a cryo catalyst user.

I was finished with the treasure hoarders before I realized. Too busy talking in my head I guess, and was already collecting the materials they dropped. And right when I was about to head down the mountain with all the insignias I needed and more, I saw a small shine in the rain close to the edge of the cliff. A gold insignia. I already have everything I need for ascension but I'll need more for my talent levels. Plus it would feel like a crime to leave a gold quality treasure hoarder insignia laying around.

I never immediately regretted a decision more than I did just now. The second I grabbed the insignia I turned around to see a swarm of 8 cryo slimes. Half of which had ice shields. I couldn't run, the slimes blocked the way I came up and a fall to my death blocked the rest of the surrounding area. It was still raining too so if one of these slimes hit me it was over from there. I can't even do damage to them because they are immune to all of my attacks.

I hate being a cryo catalyst user.

I sank down as the slimes approached me, bit by bit the distance between me and my death was being closed. I was starting to wonder if I could live the drop behind me. I was getting desperate. The way I see it, it was take my chance with the fall or die to some slimes.

I refuse to go down to some slimes. On 3.

1... the slimes were getting closer and I was now completely backed to the edge of the cliff.

2... I sank down as low as I could to make the fall less harsh, though I doubt it would do much.

3- "EVERYBODY STAND BACK!" A boy suddenly stood in front of me. I was in a ring of fire with a massive thumbs up sign in the middle.

I never felt so warm.

He defeated the cryo slimes in front of me while I was mesmerized by the ring in front of me.

"Hi! I'm Bennett!" I looked up to see a boy around my age. He had ashy white hair and green eyes. Fogged up goggles were around his neck and his clothes were soaked from the rain. "I'm (y/n)" I finally replied to him after taking in his appearance in silence.

"Do you wanna go kill a god with me?" - Bennett x G/N Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now