5. I truly love you

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Your POV:
I slightly opened my eyes at the sound of people speaking next to me. I tried to turn my head but every part of my body was hurting way too much. The last thing I remember was walking into the building to fight Raiden. I shot up in realization only to lay back down in unimaginable pain. "Hey take it easy." Kokomi said. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "What happened?" I managed to choke out. "You did got hurt pretty badly so some ashy gray haired boy carried you here through the rain." She started. "I ended up having to remove one of your kidneys and a small part of your pancreas, which will eventually regenerate itself so don't worry." "Where's Bennett?" I asked, not really caring about my health at the moment. "I don't know, but he did leave this by the door." She handed me a trinket that had Yoimiya written all over it and the letter.

I gently sat myself up, with the help of Kokomi, before opening the letter. I could tell that the seal was broken before I woke up at some point but I didn't really pay attention to that. All that was important to me was the water and blood soaked words in front of me.

Dearest, (Y/n)
I was born unlucky. That's just the way it is, and I've lived with it for so long now that I'm just used to it. But you know what? Maybe it's a good thing. It means that whatever luck I do have left is gonna run out sooner rather than later... So I'd better make the most of my life while it lasts. I like living my life to the fullest, going on plenty of adventures and meeting loads of people... If I didn't live like that then I may never have met you. I don't even want to think about a day where you aren't by my side (Y/n). I feel like my luck is a little better when you're around. :)
I am in love with you... please stay with me.


I went back to Mondstat. Sorry for the trouble I caused.

That was the end of the letter. "He went back to Mondstat?" I turned to Kokomi. She fixed the end of my hospital gown before looking back up at me. "You won't be able to walk for days." She frowned at me. "Kokomi, he probably thinks he killed me!" I frowned. Gorou walked in "(Y/N)! You're awake!" He let his voice quiet down towards the end. "How are you?" "Fine, how long was I asleep?" I asked Kokomi. "A few days." she said "Inazuma is on lockdown right now so Bennett couldn't have left the islands." I smiled at the new information. "Why is it on lockdown?" I questioned. "Everyone is trying to find out who defeated the Shougen." She smiled. "Luckly you were here for a few days before she was defeated, unconscious from a big fall." She winked at me.

"Can I have a paper?" Kokomi nodded before leaving the room to fetch one. "Gorou, did you memorize Bennetts scent? Could you track him down for me?" He nodded as Kokomi walked back in with a few sheets of paper and a pen. I have to talk to him.

After a few moments of writing, scratching it out, starting over, re reading, and wanting to burn everything you wrote for no reason other than the vibe was off. I finally managed to settle on the paper in front of me. I signed it and put it in an envelope before handing it to Gorou for him to deliver. I could tell by the way his tail was wagging that he was excited to do this for me.

Kokomi helped me out of the bed and into a wheelchair before taking me outside to see what it looked like for the sun to be shining in Inazuma for the first time in years. I wonder if this is what Bennett saw too. I sighed in content as I let the soft rays of the sun beam down on my skin.

A day has passed and I started physical therapy to help me start walking again. With every step I took it felt like my stomach was exploding but other than that the whole deal was tolerable. I eventually got to a point where I looked forward to the ice baths after the whole ordeal.

I let myself sink down slightly in the big tub of ice. I was shivering and my body was numb but I wasn't in any pain so I didn't want to leave. Kokomi walked into the bathroom. I was about to groan thinking she was telling me it was time to get out. But instead she reached her hand out to me and said "Bennetts here." Those words made me forget completely about the ice bath and my entire body felt warm. I got out and got dressed, with the help of Kokomi, before she helped me walk out of the room. He was on a bench towards the side of the wall re reading the letter I gave him. Once he finished reading it he read it again. On the other side of the room was a smiling Gorou that was wagging his tail at insane speeds.

"Bennett." I choked out. He looked up from the letter towards me. He stood up and ran towards me before tackling me in a bear hug. We lost our balance and fell backwards but when we were still in the air he twisted us so he could soften my landing. I looked up at him not once letting go. "Why the hell did you think it would be a good idea to leave for Mondstat?!" I slightly yelled at him. He sat us up before looking down. "I thought I killed you, or that you would hate me."

I slightly pinched his ear. "Owww." he said. "Why the hell would I start to hate you for something that stupid." I asked and he smiled. He slightly glanced over my shoulder with a surprised look on his face before turning away and looking down extremely red in the face. I was about to turn around before Bennett grabbed my upper arms lightly. Before leaning in and lightly kissing the side of my mouth and pulling me into a tight hug. "I really do love you, (Y/n)" he said. I hugged him back taking in his blackberryish scent before mumbling, "I love you too."

During the hug I managed to look over my shoulder slightly to see Gorou and Kokomi with a big board and marker telling him what to do. Gorou wrote something on it and held it up soon after Bennett started gently rubbing my back.

These idiots. I smiled to myself in thought.'

"Wait, did you really think that was dumb?!" Bennett said, looking over my shoulder as I wrote in my personal journal. I smiled and nodded at him. He sulked slightly in response before perking back up. "What are you gonna write next?" He smiled letting his head rest on my shoulder. "I'm writing everything in the order they happened darling." He still gets red from the nickname I gave him a few years ago. "So us going to the Windbloom festival is next, OH- and then you met my dads!" I nodded.

"Then we helped with Beidou and Ningguans wedding." I smiled. "Helped the traveler save Sumeru," "Sumeru was really nice." Bennett smiled. "We should visit again sometime!" I agreed silently before continuing. "Then a drum along performance was held by Gorou, Kuki and I in Ittos memory." I smiled at the memory. "I'll be sure to let everyone that reads this know you fell through a drum." I reached my arm up and poked Bennett slightly while he pouted.

And with a few random adventures in between the main events the story has reached present day, and comes to a close.

1347 words.

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