Chapter seven

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S1 ep 9
I decided to skip ep8 as there was nothing that would really fit Madeline into the storyline.

Madeline was sat in her room mindlessly watching tv before she went to the gym.

She had lost ten pounds since she burst into sue's office, what was almost a 2 weeks ago.

She was suddenly pulled away from watching dance moms by someone bursting into her room.

She looked towards her door to see Santana closing it behind her.

"Eat this while I talk and be quite." She told me as she chucked a banana at me before standing in front of the tv.

The blonde sighed knowing she had to eat this or she wouldn't let it go, so with a deep breath she peeled it enough so she could take her first bite.

"Good." Santana smiled, relaxing now that she has seen her friend eat for the first time in two weeks. "Now why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not ignoring you Santana, I've just been very busy since I've became head cheerio." Madeline lied as she took another bite of the banana.

"No, don't give me that bullshit 'I'm busy' excuse! You have been acting distant for a while." Santana shouted making Maddie pout.

She hated when Santana shouted at her, this is only the second time she has in the three years they had known each other and the first time was because Maddie made herself throw up thinking she was alone.

"I'm sorry." The blonde sighed as she put the peel in the bin next to her bed before patting beside her, gesturing for Santana to lay down beside her.

When she did,Maddie cuddled into the Latina's side.

"I promise I won't do it again." She mumbled as she cuddled into her further.

"Why did you do it?" The Latina asked as she played with the ends of the long blonde ends of the girls hair.

"I don't know." The younger girl lied as she bit her lip.

The two girls just laid there for the rest of the night, talking at random points and laughing together like they used to.

Maddie and fallen hard and Santana wasn't making it easy for her to get over the Latina.

"Alright guys," said Mr. Schue as he walked into the choir room. "We're doing a new number for sectionals. I know that pop songs have sort of been our signature pieces, but I did do a little research on past winners and it turns out that the judges like songs that are more accessible. Stuff they know. Uh, standards, Broadway."

"Defying Gravity?" asked Kurt, excitement in his voice as he looked at the sheet music Mr. Schue was passing out. "I have an iPod shuffle dedicated exclusively to selections from Wicked. This is amazing."

"Don't I know it, it's all you fucking listen to." Maddie mumbled into Santana's shoulder, what she was using as a pillow because before the teacher started talking, she was fast asleep.

"Think you can handle it Rachel?" asked
Mr. Schue and Kurt's smile faded.

"It's my go-to shower song. It's also my ringtone," Rachel replied.

"Why do we have to go all vanilla on this song?" asked Mercedes. "See, what we need is my chocolate thunder"

"We don't have time to rearrange the song for you, Mercedes. Don't worry, we'll find something for you to dip in chocolate. On to item two. The school won't pay for the special bus we need to take Artie and his wheelchair with us to sectionals."

Silver linings - Santana lopez x fem ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora