Chapter fourteen

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S1 ep17

Maddie walked into the school, feeling truly happy for the first time in a while,everything in her life was going great.

She was having a great relationship with carol, she quite enjoyed having a mom again and she was happy with Harlow.

She was still struggling with eating but that's not a massive thing to her she's always struggled.

Madeline ran over to Harlow and leaned her head against the brunette's shoulder.

"Get off of me Madeline." The girl said as she pushed her off. "We need to talk."

"What's going on?" Madeline asked confused, everything was good between them last night.

"I- I got back with my ex."Harlow said shutting her locker and looking at the girl. "I'm sorry but I'm still in love with her and I think we have a chance. I really did like you but I love her, to be fair to you I'm giving you a warning and telling you that she's joining glee."

Before the blonde could reply Harlow walked off leaving Madeline standing there with tear's running down her face.

"Maddie?" Quinn asked as she saw her ex best friend standing there trying not to cry more. "Oh Mads."

"Is there something about me that people like to mess with me?" She cried not being to hold it in anymore. "First you and puck, sa- Harlow"

"Oh darling, no." Quinn pulled the other blonde into a hug and led the girl to a bathroom.

She helped Maddie sit on the counter before getting some tissue to wipe her face.

"Do you want me to get Santana?" Quinn asked as she removed the mascara streaks from the pale girls face

"No, I just want to go home."

"Sorry lezbo but you can't, you need to go to come with me now." Sue said as she barged into the bathroom. "Preggo get to class."

Madeline walked into the office, not only to Mr schuester but also her dad and carol sitting infront of figgins along with miss pillsberry.

"Young lesbian come sit." The principal said making her realise what all this was about.

How could Sue! She stayed her original weight this week she didn't lose or gain isn't that good?

"We have all talked and came to an agreement. On Thursday and Sundays when I work late you will be having lunch and dinner with carol, you will be having lunch with a teacher of your choosing each day and all meals will be supervised and wrote down- I'm i forgetting something?" Burt told his daughter and asked Carol at the end.

He was worried and upset that he had missed what his daughter was going through.

"No toilets until two hours after eaten and you will have two sessions a week with miss pillsberry from now on." She helped looking at the blonde sadly, all she could think about was how could someone so pretty put their self through that.

"And if I don't want to?" Maddie asked starting to get angry- she didn't see a problem she was eating every other day!

"Then you won't be allowed to be on the cheerio's and you will lose the title of head cheerleader." Schuester said stepping forward and joining the conversation. "I'm sorry Madeline but I was quite for too long."

It wasn't Sue?

Madeline looked at Sue who for once didn't have her cold bitch face on, just like Becky she had a soft spot for the blonde.

"Fine- may I go to class now?" She sighed and turned to her dad and carol.

"Yeah, carol will pick you up after school. I'm going to drive your car home so keys."

Madeline throws her keys into her dads hand before stomping off to class.

Today was the worse day ever.

"Who made this?" Will shouts as he holds up a list, Madeline had seen it but it wasn't the top of her problems.

She was number 2 after Quinn and she was only 2 points a head of Santana.

Everyone went on to blame puck and other people but Madeline wasn't paying attention, she was staring a hole into her freshly new ex and her new girlfriend.

She was cheated on again, maybe she wasn't made for love.

She was broken out of her thoughts when she's handed a piece of paper with a song on and then the teacher she hated the most right now started to sing.

When they stopped she left the choir room, heading to her first session with the red head.

It was the end of the week and Madeline was having enough of Harlow rubbing her relationship in her face and without Harlow her feelings for Santana were slowly coming back.

She was having a hard time eating two meals a day and everything has been hard for her.

And she had had enough.

She has had enough of Mr schuester and glee club and their sad looks since Kurt can't let anything not be about him and made her eating disorder about him, how he wished he saw it sooner and how he was so worried about her.

"Okay, this week's assignment has been eventful." Schuester said after watching Rachel's performance.

"I actually want to sing." Madeline said as she stood up, everyone looked at her and gave her a sad smile, except for Harlow and Lexi, the ex ex girlfriend.

She stood infront of the room and when schue sat down, she spoke.

"It doesn't really fit into the task but I need to get this out of my system so- yeah." She took a breath before smiling at Brad and he started to play the song.

When the song she finished she took a moment to think through what she was going to do next.

"I quit. I don't want- I can't be in glee anymore." And with that she left the choir room and drove home to lay in her bed for a couple hours before Kurt and her dad got home and threw questions at her.

"How are you feeling?" Santana asked as she walked into the blondes room and laid beside her.

"I missed you but I can't go back into your stupid no feelings sex if that's why you're here." The smaller girl mumbled as she didn't even bother to open her eyes.

"No it's not, we we're friends before then, best friends and I want to be that again. Now shut up and give me some cuddles."

The blonde just shook her head but still moved so she was laying against the Latina's chest.

"I miss you in glee club but I understand why you left."

"Thanks sanny."

Soon after the small Hummel girl fell asleep against the Latina who ended up calling her mom and staying the night because she didn't have the heart to move you.

She didn't know what she was feeling for the blonde but it was no longer just sexual lust.
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1167 words

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