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Hi guys! So this book is my first ever book so y'all shouldn't jugde me. Because if you do just know that the 'block button' will be looking extra tempty😂.

And also feel free to comment because I love all the crazy commenters out there🤗! x

Anyways here are some things for you to know about the book;

1. If there anything you don't like about the book or would like me to change please know that you are allowed to comment on it but in a (I am pleading with you😭) polite way

2. This book is basically kind of like a war between robots and the last two people on earth ( Even though the cover says differently)


3. Also I forgot to add that this is a short story not on of those long stories so sorry if I dissapointed you.

That's basically it but if there is more i'll update you.

Oke doki onto the book now!

I hope you ENJOY the book!!!!

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