Chapter 1 - Finding a new world

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This is a new world

That was the first thought Jake Clementon had when he woke up. Although, it wasn't really a new world, since he could recognize all the popular landmarks in the famous New York City. Unlike normal days, where the streets would be buzzing with noise, the height of the Statue of Liberty could be seen and the scent of food stalls would be scented through the air, Today the streets were pin - drop silent and there was no scent in the air although obviously you could still see the statue of liberty.

'Weird' Jake thought and got up to start his day. After getting dressed, Jake decided to have breakfast at his favourite place Waffle Palace. When Jake got there, he found the restaurant was empty but the door was ajar. Unsure of the scene, he entered. Upon entering, he called out "Hello?, Is anyone here?" He paused "I'm here for breakfast."

Normally when that sentence was said, there would be evident excitement in the staff as they showed you to your seat but this time around silence greeted his statement. Sighing he turned to go "I might as well go since there's no one here." and with that he left.


When Jake got home, he tried to think of something to do but couldn't think of anything.

Frustrated, he just lay on the bed and instantly fell asleep.



I know, I know, its short but Im pretty sure I warned you so no need to talk about that. Also if you spot any mistakes please tell moi, merci!

and I have a Question for you: If you were in a robot war with no one with you what is the first thing you will do when you find out? and no wrong answers

Btw how im imagining Jake to look like is the picture on top. I might probs change it but I dunno.

Oke, Byee!

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