Chapter 2 - 1 Week Before

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"Hello! are you here for breakfast?" greeted Janice the most friendliest employee you'll meet as Jake walked through the door.

"Yes please! Im starving!"



As Jake sat down and waited for his food, he saw from the corner of his eye a beautiful blonde woman walk-no sorry-model through the door. She looked like at least 25 years old -but you could never know looking at the piles of makeup she was wearing- and surprisingly married, judging from the thick gold ring on her finger. when she entered, she went straight to the counter and had a full on fit during her order about whole milk. Jake hoped with all his heart that it wasn't a Karen that just walked through the doors but judging from her, well... everything, she was.

"Um, yeah, hi. I would like to or-OH MY GOODNESS WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?! YOU LOOK LIKE A DERANGED DUCK!- anyways, I woud like to order a salad not a burger cuz I don't want to end up like you. Thanks!"

The employee, judging from her expression looked like she wanted to poison the blonde but decided against it, went to give the orders to the chef and came back glaring at the woman. The woman somehow didn't seem to notice and came to sit-of all places at Jake's table- didn't say a word and just scrolled through her phone later when they were both done eating, she got up and started complaining that the food was horrible, she found hair in her food... y'know the usual frantics and demanded that her food be re-done even thogh she had finished the food and had clearly enjoyed it.

Jake, tried of watching her got up, paid and left.



So this chapter was a little like a teeny tiny bit longer than the first one sowi, not, hehe. Anyways hope you enjoyed it. See you in the next chapter. If you spot any mistakes let me know!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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