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"What exactly do you know about Albert and FiddlePat?"
The room went quiet. Dhyrbfyty waited for an answer from 1_AD, Amazook, and 74j.
She slammed her hand down on the table in anger.
"They've been married for almost a year." Amazook said quietly.
"And who is FiddlePat?"
"Hes just part of Amazook headquarters. He's actually one of the highest ranks." 1_AD stated.
"How much money would it take to have one of you kill him and make it look like suicide?"
The room went quite once again. Everyone's eyes widened.
"Amazook," She started looking him in the eyes.
"As CEO, I'm sure you would love extra money to benefit Amazook as a company."
He looked down.
"650,000 robux?" He looked back up at her in shock.
"Amazook, no! FiddlePat is our friend!" 74j cried.
"But...we could use the money..."
"NO! Why do you even want Albert? It's been 13 years. You need to move on. I understand it hurts. But-"
"HE CHEATED ON ME!!!" She screamed.
"ONLY CUZ HE THOUGHT YOU WRRE DEAD!!!" 1_AD screamed back.
Dhyrbfyty put her head down on the table and cried.
"I just...I just want my love back!" She said through her trears.
"But he has his new love. And you need to find your."
"Who would want me? I'm ugly! The only person to ever want me was Albert!"
All three Grocery Gang members looked at eachother as they all thought of someone.

Employee of the Month (Albert x FiddlePat)Where stories live. Discover now