My other friend

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"no you can't because this is my seat as you can see" I said acting who the fuck did he think he is to steal my steal...

"Did you print your name on it" he mumbled...

"Excuse me?" I said pretending not hearing what he mumbled

"Look...I know that this is your seat but I prefer sitting besides the window " he said with a serious look in his cute roundie face...I can't say no to this face but I also have a pride I can't let him act like he is the emperor or something...

"But-" I was cut by his new fan girls....those bicthes were acting all protective around their so called "oppa" gosh...

"Class  have some manners and be quite please & Mrs. Manabon do you have a problem?" The teacher looked at me as if I am the problematic person here... what's wrong with those people these days....I bet she has a crush on him

I looked at chae's side and she was mouthing 'just let him sit there' well I can't do anything

"Ok fine you can sit loser" I barely said the word 'loser' because I didn't want those bitches to hear

I arranged my seat and sat beside chae and the class started but I wasn't focusing on the lesson I was so pissed about the fact that he forced me to give him my seat...I looked in his direction and he wasn't focusing on the lesson either...he was busy staring at the window....did he love windows that much? Weird..

Lunch time

I was heading to the cafeteria alone because chae said she is having lunch with Jimin and she asked me to come join them but I refused to go cuz I really can't stand Jimin....

"Lisa" I turned around to look who is calling me till I saw a handsome guy waving to me with his boxy smile...

"Long time no see Kim taehyung" I said as I walk to his side...I didn't see him since the summer break. I missed him

"Is this how you greet your best friend?" He said playfully

"Hey who said you are my bestie chae is my only bff just so you know" I said teasing him....well taehyung and I have been friends since last year but he always acts as if we were friends for years...he is so friendly

" Oh is that so? But just so you know you are my only friend" he said pouting

"Ohh I am so touched...but how about chae? Is she no longer your friend? " I said jokingly

"Nah...she is not my friend anymore" he replied with a serious face... what's with the sudden change of expression? Did they fight?

" Why? did you two fight or something?"

" No... it's just she is dating Jimin now and how player Jimin is so I don't think I will be friends with her because he will dump her in 1 or 2 weeks and I don't think that she wanna keep on being friends with her ex's best buddy". He explained with a sad face ...well he have a point cuz knowing chae for 10 years I don't think she will be able to face the after Jimin dump her....Park chaeyoung did you have to date jerk? I really don't get the idea of dating someone knowing that he will be dumping you after he got you in the bed....

"Don't be sad about it tae... maybe she will not be dumped at the end of the day. Who knows maybe he will fall for her" I said kidding hoping to cheer him up

"Keep on dreaming lalisa manabon" he said laughing...I was happy to see him laughing

"Why not. I mean how can you dump a girl as beautiful as chae not to mention her personality...she is way too good to be dumped" I said defending my bestie

"That's because you don't know jiminie well he just play girls until he gets what he wants... that's it" he said

"Oh come on...why don't we make a bet. I say that he will fall for her in no time..." I said wanting to change his mood

"Ok let's get it! And I say he will dump her in no time" he said full of confidence. We almost was at the cafeteria door

"And if you lose the bet you will do whatever I ask you to do" I said

"Ok. Prepare to make my wishes come true" he said. Well I made this bet just for fun knowing the results obviously I will lose the bet...but I just wanted to change his mood

"We already are in the cafeteria" he said

"I didn't notice because you kept on talking" I said

"By the way where is chae?" He asked confused

"Umm...well she is having lunch with Jimin" I said pointing at the table where the two love birds were enjoying their meal

"Don't tell me she will be having lunch with him too" he said discussed

"Yeah. Of course they are dating remember?" I said rolling my eyes on him

"She seems happy" he said while looking at chae

"She is. But I am left alone here...I will be having my lunch all by myself" I said acting all sad and upset

"Hey are not alone. Am I invisible to you?" He said making me sit in a free table and he sat beside me too

"But aren't you supposed to be having lunch with Jimin?" I said confused...I know he has been my friend but he didn't have lunch with me or chae because he was always with Jimin

"But I don't wanna have lunch with him when he is with chae. I don't wanna be a third wheel" he said showing his boxy smile

"So shall we have lunch together" I said

"We don't have a choice because we are left alones" he said teasing

We were eating ant talking about stuffs until I saw that jungkook guy walking to our direction...oh gosh what do he want now? Don't tell me he wants to steal our table too...

"Here! Jungkookie" taehyung waved to him...what? Did they know each other?

"Hey why are you calling that jerk?" I whispered to him but he wasn't focusing on me. He was so happy to see him.... weird

"Taehyung my bro how have you been" he said hugging tae and sitting right in front of he ignoring me

"I am fine. But why the hell didn't you tell me that you are transferring to our school? I found out yesterday" tae said

"Did Jimin tell you...well I didn't know I will be transferring to your school too. It just happened" he said smiling showing his bunny teeth...OMG he is so cute

"Anyways I am happy that you choose our school. It will be fun this year" they are talking freely as if I am invisible HELLO

"I guess...but where is Jimin ?"

"He is right there with his new girlfriend" tae replied pointing at the couple who are kissing at the moment...they totally forgot about me lol

"Oh so that's the girl he was telling me about yesterday...she is kinda cute" he said looking at chae with a smirk in his face....but why I am feeling jealous? Maybe because he couldn't notice me when I am right in front of him but he is admiring chae who is sitting far from us

"Hey calm down you can't stare at her like that she is jimin's girlfriend now" tae said playfully

"Girlfriend my foot....we all know Jimin can't stick to one girl at least for 2 weeks. I bet he just wanna have sex and dump her" Jungkook said acting all confident...what the hell is this guy saying? What a blood is boiling right now

"And she seems easy right?" I was done. I can't let him talk about chae like this

"Hey Jungkook is your name right? Don't ever talk about my best friend like this or else I will fucking rip you into pieces understand? " I said almost yelling at him

He was so shocked at my words

Hi guys 😊 I hope you enjoyed this chapter 💜💜💜 comment for opinions and vote if you like it....

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