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"woah girl chill... what's the big deal" he said acting like he didn't say anything

"The big deal is that girl who seems easy is my best friend" I said pointing at chae who was on her own world

"I didn't know sorry if I offended you, but you better tell your friend to be more careful if you care for her that much" he said acting like a decent guy

"Well that's non of your business" I said as I stand up to go out of the cafeteria because I can't stand this guy

" I know....I am just worried about your friend's feelings cuz she seems a sensitive girl" he said.... seriously what's wrong with him, why did he keep on saying 'she seems this'....'she seems that'

" Why are you judging my friend with out even meeting her?" I asked him

" I am not judging anyone I just stated the fact... don't tell me that she is a strong girl who can handle the pain of  being played and blah blah blah" he laughed

"Guys guys stop fighting over useless things please and jungkookie stop being rude to my friend" tae interrupted to make things calm but I was way too angry

" So she is your friend too...I didn't know that, my bad" Jungkook replied with a sarcastic tone

" I am not your friend anymore tae just keep hanging out with your new friend here ignoring your old friends, I need to get going bye" I left them there I can hear tae calling my name...

          Jungkook's POV

She left us there and I really was confused at her action she was overreacting

"Bro what's wrong with her, all this because I judged her friend" I said facing tae

"I don't think that's the only reason, I think she felt ignored because we were talking non-stop leaving her out of the conversation" he said sighing

"Maybe...she said 'keep hanging out with your new friend' don't she know who is the new friend and who is the old friend here" I said laughing so hard

"Yeah she thinks that she is my old friend " tae said smiling

"But I really didn't know that girl was her friend why didn't you stop me"

"I would have told you if you gave me a chance to talk" yeah he was right it was my fault

"So is she your girlfriend?" I was curious

" Dude nah! She is just a friend I met last year. When you transfered to a new school after middle school everything was boring I don't know how I survived those 3 years...the first year wasn't that bad though. But last year was the worst because Jimin was so busy with the girls, yoongi was busy preparing his new studio for writing and producing songs with namjoon &  Jin was focusing on his acting career while hoseok was improving his dance skills in the practice room so I was left alone and bored cuz I wasn't interested in anything I just wanted to have fun. I was the only one who was doing nothing just wondering around the school until one day I met Lisa when I was looking for hoseok in the dance practice room. She was dancing alone and she was so good so I sat watching her dancing with out her notice but then she noticed me so I decided to leave her alone not wanting her to feel uncomfortable but she said 'hey where are you going? 'don't you like my performance' she said with a big smile on her face...I was shocked at her postive reaction...few minutes later we were dancing to random songs and having fun and then she asked me if I want to join her and her friend in lunch so I said ok because Jimin wasn't around....we have lunch together with chae too and they were so friendly to me, that's how our friendship started a year ago" he said with a bright smile...I felt bad for him he was lonely because of me oh shit!

LISKOOK - My Senior Year With JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now