chapter one

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My brother signed for a different team in F1. Ferrari. He has moved around from team to team but this time I really hope he does stay. He is best friends with Lando Norris who quickly became like a little brother to me. I am in desperate need of a job and Carlos being the wonderful brother that he is he hooked me up with a few interviews with different teams.

I don't know many people in F1 besides Carlos, Lando, Pierre, Daniel, and Lewis. Those boys are practically like family to me. Even though I am 23, I feel like they practically raised me. I have been traveling with F1 since Carlos joined. Pierre has been dating my life long best friend, Ally, for 3 years now. Carlos and I have a little brother named Michael. He is a racer for F2 Mercedes.

Tomorrow is the start of Monaco Grand Prix week. Also the day I have interviews with Ferrari and Mercedes. I am so excited to see all my people again after 4 months of being away. I had to take time for myself after my ex-boyfriend.

I watched my favorite movie The Proposal and went to sleep. I woke up at 7:30 to workout before going to the track. I arrived and immediately say my favorite people. Pierre and Ally were waiting for me at the garage so I wouldn't walk in by myself. We walked into the paddock and there I saw Lewis. Lewis was talking to a tall handsome driver that I had never talked to before. He smiled and winked at me. I couldn't help but blush while rolling my eyes. Who was he and why did I blush so hard?

Lewis saw me and walked over from the other driver. He was like a big brother to me. He always knew just what to say to make me feel better. Carlos and Lando joined Pierre, Lewis, Ally and I to talk for a few minutes. We were all catching up on life and how I have been doing.

Lando being who he is asked me, " G. How are you doing since what happened with Noah?"

"I am getting along everyday. But it gets hard after being so brutally humiliated." I stated. I truly am getting through life but it's so hard sometimes.

"Has he tried to come back into your life?" Lewis asked me. He was very protective. Especially since he was best friends with Noah before he cheated on me.

"He has tried. But he is not successful at it at all." I said, he really isn't good at coming back into my life. Nor do I want him to come back.

"He damaged me. I wish I had listened to what everyone said. You never find your husband at 18. He is a grade A asshole."

"We love you G. Remember I know exactly what you are going through. I am always here." Ally said to me and are pretty much my sisters.

"If it makes you feel any better I heard that she cheated on him too." Pierre stated trying to make me feel better.

"I mean of course that makes me feel better!! But still he's an asshole and I wish I could have been the one to end it." I said. I don't wish anyone the same pain as me, but he still deserve some pain.

"Are you going to get back out there any time soon?" Pierre asked me as well.

"Yes, when the right one comes along I will go for it as much as I can. But I just hope I'm not still so broken when it does happen. I want someone who is obsessed with me. And someone who makes me question everything I know. "

"The right one will come around soon enough." Pierre said looking at his girl. God they are so in love I wish I had that.

"Ugh you two get a room." Daniel said making fun of the two.

Pierre turned to Ally and whispered, "I think I have the perfect person for her." He thought I couldn't hear him, but I was on the other side of Ally and he is not a quite person at all.

"Tell me later." Ally said she seemed hopeful that Pierre would find me someone great. I just hope he is right.

I thought to myself. "This is so exciting. I wonder who P is setting me up with? What if this doesn't work out? I hope Pierre knows what he is doing.

"Enough about me. Lewis are you getting out there?"

"No, I haven't found anyone I like enough. No one catches my enough. And if they do they are dull and boring. I want someone who excites me." Lewis answered me

"I completely understand. It's so hard to get back out there. We will do it together though. I believe in us." I said looking at one of the best people in my life. He was the first person I called when I found Noah and Krystal.


I walked to Noah's apartment to surprise him after practice. I unlocked the door and opened it. I heard a noise that sounded like another girl. I walked upstairs and heard Noah's name called. I opened his room to see him and Krystal cuddling and laughing. Some how that was worse. He loved someone else and I had to see it.

I ran out of the house and didn't let him explain. The only person I could call in that moment was Lewis. He is pretty much my older brother. He will always be there for me. And I for him.

"Lewis." I said bawling. I could barely get words out.

"G, what's wrong?" He was best friends with Noah. He was the one who set us up in a way. Right now I have a feeling that it won't be that way for long.

"He loves her. He cheated and I saw them together laughing and happy. I am so hurt." That was as much as I could get out in a breathe.

"He cheated on you!" He yelled. I could hear other boys around him questioning. That was when I realized he stepped away from training to answer.

"I am so ashamed. I can't believe this. I hate this so much."

"I know G. I wish I could do something. I'll call Ally and tell her to go to your house. I am so sorry "little sis". I hate that this happened."

"I don't know if I can trust again right now."


I am more thankful for him than I am for most. He is an amazing "Big brother". This group has gotten me through more than most will ever understand. I love them so much.

"I can't wait to see who Pierre sets me up with." I whispered to Ally.

She said to me. Knowing it was exactly what I needed to hear,

"I know it will be someone great."

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