chapter three

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Charles point of view:

The remainder of the night she was ignoring me. I would try and go talk to her but all she would do is walk away or talk to someone else. It drives me crazy, she is stunning, smart and knows what she is talking about. But she won't talk to me.

Genevieve's point of view:

I kept asking Lewis and Pierre why he kept wanting to talk to me, all they could answer was "I don't know". Typical guy answer to be honest. I mean yes he is handsome but he is completely stuck up and is an asshole who only thinks about himself and his hair.

We left the party later. I was kind of glad to be honest. I was absolutely exhausted and getting hammered did not help. Ally took care of me and Lewis let me crash at his house.

I woke up with the biggest headache of my life. I guess drinking lots so a guy doesn't talk to you doesn't lead to a happy morning after. Lewis brought me water and advil for the headache. He drove me to Pierre and Ally's house after getting me a very greasy breakfast.

"Soooo did you find anyone you liked last night?"

"No all the girls were stuck up and fake. Wasn't a decent girl there to be fair." Lewis said.

"Yeah my luck was pretty shot too. Charles Leclerc kept following me around and wanting to talk. I get nervous around people I am not close with. And he kept bragging about driving for Ferrari." I said back.

"He was probably nervous too. G, you are gorgeous girl who knows what she is talking about. Of course guys will find that attractive."

"How the hell. I completely shut him down. I am sorry being a footballer is impressive till a point. My two brothers and best friends and ex-boyfriend drive in F1. It is not that impressive anymore." I replied laughing not understanding.

"Yeah but still. He thought you were hot. And especially since you gave your opinion he thought it was way more attractive. You weren't afraid to speak your mind." Lewis said trying to convince me.

I walked into the house and Ally hugged me. Pretty much everyone was there at the house. Charles wasn't there so I could ask,

"Okay confess up why was Leclerc following me around like a puppy yesterday?"

Everyone started to laugh. I looked at Lewis, Pierre and Daniel. They finally told me why.

"Nothing is more attractive than, when a hot girl spits out a bunch of facts about how you drive in your own sport and leaves you questioning everything about your performance. You completely owned him Gen. Carlos Sainz Sr. and Michael Schumacher so your opinion is not to be messed with. He found it mesmerizing."

In my head it made sense but I didn't believe it. They were just talking shit so I would get back out there.

"No way. I don't believe that bull shit. He doesn't have a thing for me and I will never have a thing for him. I can't go out with a driver who can't tell his left foot from his right." I started laughing, because they were right about one thing. I know what the hell I am talking about with Formula One. It's pretty much a sin if I don't.

"Yeah when G gives me a hard time about how I play it's really adorable and funny. But to be honest it pushes me to do better and work harder. Watch him drive better now since you told him off. It works every time." Pierre said he was trying to help as much as he could.

"Pierre has been driving better since I gave him a hard time about his penalties and driving abilities." I said.

"Okay, okay but I am still not going out with him. We didn't have a deep conversation. I have high standards and he is not meeting really any of them." Well he did meet three. His height smile and his eyes.

"Gen, you know you have to actually talk to him to see if he meets any of them right?" Lewis said pointing out to obvious.

"I have only met him once. It's not like I am going to see him every weekend now."

Daniel gave me a cheeky smile. I could tell the boys were plotting something and that my best friend was in on it.

"Well actually we have a long break during Christmas. And we have that Drivers Ball that we are all going to. Ferrari is hosting this year. So you actually will be seeing him a lot more." Lando stated he was the first one to spill the beans on what had happened. Looks like I will be seeing a lot more of Charles Leclerc.

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