chapter four.

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Genevieve's POV
I have my meeting with Ferrari in 30 minutes. Of course I arrived early just so I wasn't late she could talk to my boys. I walked into the Ferrari headquarters in Monaco and saw my big brother. He had a big smile on his face from me being there.

"Buenas días hermana." Carlos greeted me

"Hola estúpido." I said back.

"You excited for your interview?"

" Of course I am, if I get the job that means I can talk to you during the race and be in the paddock!" I replied catching eyes with Charles. He was smiling looking at me. He's only met me once how is he this happy to see me?

"You will do amazing! Good luck!" He said to me letting me get ready. He walked away and just as he did Charles started walking towards me. I walked away from him and thought I lost him in an empty hallway. I felt a hand grab me and pull me into an empty closet.

"Bonjor cherie." Charles said to me winking. God that face, why do I have to be so headstrong?
Charles then asked me, "What are you doing here? Did you miss me already?"

"Miss you? Yes I missed avoiding you so much?" I said trying to be funny as usual.

"I'm here for a job with Ferrari or Mercedes. To be a designated race engineer." I replied finally being serious. He grabbed me by the waist but I didn't pull back.

"I will make sure you are mine." Charles says  kissing up and down my neck.

"Non." I say.

"Mi cherie." He says to me trying to convince me.

"You can try to convince me, but the Charles Leclerc effect doesn't work on me." I said lying so hard to him and myself.

"Are you sure it doesn't work? Your face is as red as the car, and you are breathing really heavy." As soon as he stopped talking our lips crashed on each other. Not being able to get enough of each other. We stayed like this for 5 minutes.

I finally pushed him away and ran out the door. "I'm sorry that shouldn't have happened I need to get to the interview. bye." I said to him rushing out the room.

"Wait Genèvieve! Come back what do you mean." He came running after me but luckily I was stopped by Mattia and I went into the interview.

I quickly texted Ally and Pierre. "Um, shit just happened talk after my interview. Meet outside Ferrari paddock in 1 hour."

Ally replied, "Oh fuck." And Pierre replied, " Oh what did you do now?" I went into the interview laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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