-* Tsawl sätaron *-

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Chapter 6

"Before you make Tsaheylu with Ikran, you must first do Tsawl sätaron" Zìr'iawat had explained as we descended the helical staircase in the centre of the tree, Once again she had kicked me awake before the moon had even begun to dip behind the mountains, hissing something about being "lazy" in a very Zìr'iawat like fashion.

"Tsawl sätaron?" I parroted her, and she groaned in annoyance

"It is big hunt" she explained "Once every 6 moon cycles, talioang pass through the mountain, we gather best warriors, and Na'vi not yet warriors but training to be" she said " You take Pa'li, we take Ikran" she skipping the last 3 steps and instead jumping down

"We hunt before the tsawke rises"

"Guys!" Jake waved us both over to him with a solemn look on his face, I hurried after Zìr'iawat over towards him where he pulled us both in closely, he looked around to see if anyone was watching.

"I'm not supposed to be telling you this, in case it causes panic or whatever" he whispered frantically "But be CAREFUL out there, two Na'vi soldiers came back wounded this morning, BULLET wounds!"

"But all Sky people were sent back to 'rrta after tor Eywa'eveng tsam" Zìr'iawat hissed under her breath

"That's what we ALL thought" he growled in annoyance "Just be extra careful, especially you" he addressed Zìr'iawat as she absentmindedly fiddled with a song cord attached to the piece of decorative rope hanging low around her waist. "Whatever they are, they're specifically targeting Ikran Makto, shooting them straight out of the sky" he hissed.

"JAKE" A rugged and scarred Na'vi warrior by the name of Ekelkeyo called out to him beckoning him over to the large circle of antsy warriors. Ekelkeyo had expressed his distaste for me on multiple occasions, hissing and muttering under his breath, even going as far as to trip me as often as he could snickering as he walked away, he aggravated me so much so that he had made it to number one on my hit list for when I got my Ikran. The second place on the list was unsurprisingly taken by Lawi'e, who also went out of her accidentally bump me and tread on my tail on multiple occasions. I only noticed Txìfye was among the warriors when he mouthed a silent 'Oel ngati kameie' at me, I smiled and returned the gesture.

"Just be careful whenever you leave Home Tree, And you!" Jake said turning his attention towards me

"Tsawl sätaron is not a joke, please be careful out there today," he said backing away from us "Oh and good luck too, you got this" He sent me a wink as he grabbed his bow and dashed off to join the group of warriors. Zìr'iawat had stood lost in thought, her hand gently touching the large scar that mottled the cobalt skin around her left eye.

"Let's go" She hissed suddenly snapping out of her trance and stalking off.

I was nervous. Palm's-wet-with-sweat kind of nervous. I felt as if a giant nantang had ripped all my organs from my body and was ferociously shaking them around trying to get the prize inside. My knee bounced as I sat on a moss-covered log just outside Home Tree, I had chosen hufwetsyìp as my steed, the gentle Pa'li that I had learnt to ride on, it had just made sense to. Zìr'iawat had lent me her old Pa'li saddle and had shown me how to attach it properly with uncharacteristic patience, maybe she too, thought I was going to get trampled to my death today. Tsawl sätaron was apparently a big deal, I had been leant a warriors bow and spent most of my morning testing it out, the wood was slimmer and the string thicker, it also didn't help that it looked way cooler to shoot and wear around than the children's bow I previously had. The Na'vi mentors had long since abandoned us, leaving on their colourful Ikran

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