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Chapter 10

We flew towards this strange place for what felt like hours. There was no other way to describe flying than utter bliss. The wind playfully grabbed my braided hair and softly kissed my face as we smoothly soared over the luscious valleys and towering mountain ranges racing each other, teasing and cheating as we sent gusts of wind careening for the other, each trying to get to wherever we were going first. My lungs and face ached from laughing and smiling so much, the warmth spreading further from my chest to my fingertips the more I laughed. Jake suddenly let out a joyous whoop as Bob flew lower and faster, this must be the place he wanted to show me, I made a sound in the back of my throat for Tsìlpey to follow his lead, shrieking as we dove down after him.

He had landed in a soft grassy clearing dismounting bob in an easy move that screamed years of experience, he looked over to me and chuckled watching my less graceful dismount. I gently pulled my Twsin from Tsìlpey's and wandered over to where Jake stood at the edge of the clearing, waiting for me.
"Let me guess it's another hour's walk from here?" I said raising my eyebrow and looking at him pointedly, he only grinned toothily at me and grabbed my hand dragging me into the dense underbrush of the jungle at a brisk pace. We twisted and weaved under, around and over fallen trees grown mossy with age and purple thick leaves plants that looked razor sharp. 'Razor Palm' The soft melodic voice in my head whispered. I hummed in interest and carefully stepped around the plant looking at it with cool interest. Jake's calloused hand, which was still softly intertwined with mine, gave my arm an amiable tug pulling me forward into the jungle once again.

We stopped at the edge of a particularly thick set of wide-trunked trees, smothered in thick green vines and a thin spiny layer of some sort of plant. 'Scorpion Thistle' The little voice trilled happily at my curiosity, I would quite happily keep my distance from the vicious plant. Jake had stopped and was wandering up and down this dense trove of trees with his hands on his hips, occasionally humming to himself and slightly leaning forwards to peer at something that was indiscernible to my untrained eyes. After another 3-4 minutes of this, I plopped down onto a nearby log and considered pushing him into the spiky plants, just to see what would happen. Jake seemed to sense my plotting and turned around with a sheepish smile,

"Sorry, It's over this way," He said with a quirk of his head as he walked into a solid wall of vines, I watched on in horror as they devoured him whole. A startled cry ripped free from my throat as I rushed over to frantically inspect the impenetrable wall of vines that lay menacingly still. I screeched in fear as a hand reached out from the vines and closed around my wrists, dragging my body through the tangle of cool vines. Soft rays of buttery sunlight caressed my face as I broke free from my kidnapper's hand and burst out of the vines, I launched myself at my attacker slamming my body into theirs, almost winding myself. We tumbled across soft green grass struggling against each other in a blind panic.

"Hey! HEY!" My attacker yelled at me grabbing my shoulders, I was breathing heavily from my position on top of them before I realised it was Jake.

"Shit! I'm so sorry! I- I panicked!" I explained frantically looking down at him, My knees were on either side of his broad hips and my ass just gently resting on his muscled navel, his hands had automatically fallen to rest on my hips, his rough callouses brushing the soft skin there. I was essentially, straddling him. Jake was looking up at me with a strange expression on his face, a mix of bewilderment and curiosity, the longer he stared at me the further I could feel the blush creep up my neck and onto my face. The air around had gone tense crackling with soft electricity. It was then I realised, I had frozen. Completely and utterly frozen... on top of him.

I immediately threw myself off of him and rolled onto the soft grass laying on my back and peering at the clear blue expanse of sky peeking through the leaves of the trees. Decidedly not looking at him, I began to instead look at where we were, where we had landed after I tackled him out of the vines. A large rolling expanse of silky green grass, covered in glowing Ovumshrooms and occasionally dotted with a large tree.. if they could even be called trees. They had spindly thin trunks that reached up to brush the heavens, each dark skinny branch ended with a burst of soft blue and purple flowers, though the most breathtaking part was thin vine-like structures in the same cobalt shade of blue, each with varying amounts of soft violet globes embedded in them softly glowing in the daylight that hung off the branches, hovering a couple of meters off the ground. A small burbling stream ran languidly through the centre of the clearing, singing as it brushed past the rocky edge with a soft gush, vibrant flowers grew on the banks of the river in random clusters each pulsating with a soft light reflecting their petals. The entire clearing seemed to sing in dulcet and mellow songs as the leaves rustled in the warm gentle breeze and creatures 'calls echoed from where they lay deep in the jungle.

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