Chapter 5

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Jungkook sniffed. His nose scrunched cutely when he inhaled the fragrance of rose permeated in their bedroom, thanks to the new room spray he purchased from Seoul. A shy smile carved its way on his lips.

Jungkook turned around to look at their bed. The bed was neat and changed into a white soft sheet with a black duvet on the top. Red rose petals were aligned in the shape of a heart and excess rose petals were scattered all over the bed. The bed hangings were grey, transparent fabric, surrounding all the sides the of bed. Cute fairy lights are hanging on all the sides and will look like little stars in the dark.

Jungkook caressed the soft fabric of the bed hanging and sniffed it, a detergent scent washed over his nose.

He smiled and again let his large sparkly eyes roam over the other three sides of the room.

Jungkook had placed unlit scented candles on every side of the room. Ready to be lit when the star of the night enters their room.

He walked towards the bean bags which were set opposite each other near the fireplace. A few planks of wood were already burning mildly inside to make the room a little warmer. They've installed a heater in their room, but still, he preferred to burn the sticks to get warmer today.

Jungkook also placed a bottle of soju and some snacks on the small coffee table between the bean bags. He goes near the bean bag and sat on one of them. He picked up the blanket which he had placed already on the floor near the coffee table.

Jungkook sighed. A dreamy smile spreads on his lips and a pink hue dusts on his pale cheeks.

His plan for tonight is simple. When Taehyung arrives, he gonna surprise him with all this set-up he had made in their room. Then they both gonna sit in this place, bask in the warmness of the fireplace, drink soju and will talk for a while.

Then Jungkook and Taehyung will be wrapped up in the blanket while Jungkook sits on Taehyung's lap, not only getting warmed up by the fire coupled with his husband's unique warmness.

Then the next thing they gonna do is almost inevitable. The sex. Jungkook chuckled when he remembered once Taehyung argued with him for calling it sex. Taehyung doesn't like to call what they're doing intimately sex. He always says it is Lovemaking. He prefers that.

He would say "Whenever our body collides and connected intimately, it should be for making love. The thing I'm doing with you is making love. Don't say it as sex. Sex and lovemaking are different."

"How it is different. Both are the involvement of body and pleasure. Same push and pull. What is the difference though?" Jungkook had asked.

"No honey. You're not understanding the concept. When we have sex, my eyes only look at your body and the same push and pull. However, when we make love, my eyes and heart along with my dick would penetrate your soul and body until it reaches the deepest part where the love and trust we thrive for each other. It's not only pushing and pulling, it's give and take. Therefore, they both are different."

Taehyung always has his way with words. The things he always says would be either stupid or super intelligent, however, that's what makes him unique and adorable in Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook brushed off the invisible dust on the blanket and placed it where he had taken it from. With a dreamy sigh, he stood up.

Jungkook feet tingle when he felt the softness of the rug beneath. He feels giddy. All his nerves were pulsating wildly inside his body. His heart beat already picking up just at the thought of his Taehyung.

Taehyung... His Taehyung... Jungkook's world...

Jungkook trotted towards the mirror. He smiled at his reflection. His cheeks were flushed just at the thought of his husband. Jungkook slapped his cheeks softly "Come on Jungkookie, buckle up. Tonight will be the special night. Taehyung..." he smiled at his reflection "Taehyung gonna love your surprise. He's gonna be blown away."

Jungkook smiled and turned to walk towards the closet to gather the clothes he had prepared earlier for tonight. He is gonna take a long bath to calm his muscles which will get sore when his husband arrives for sure and to take care of his body, of course for his husband.

He giggled. He is very much looking forward to seeing Taehyung's expression.

With a giddy heart, Jungkook walked into the bathroom.


V felt someone shaking his body. He felt his dream vanishing in the darkness beneath his closed eyelids.

A dream where, he was seeing a distant light, gleaming and seducing him to run closer to it. Among all the darkness surrounding him, he feels like, that far-away light will be the only way for him to get out from this lonesome aphotic. An illumination he has been longing for so far.

V was almost near it. He had to take only five or six steps to reach the light. Taste the freedom. However,

"V wake the fuck up"

V opened his eyes, his slumber fades away just like his dream. V sat up, and a loud groan escaped from his lips.

"The hell Jimin? Don't your eyes work? Can't you see I'm sleeping here?"

V grumbled while ruffling his hair. Annoyance was etched on his handsome face.

"V" Jimin murmured. His voice was breathy as if his voice raised a little bit higher, it would cause a whole avalanche to strike him to death.

His small voice weighed V to understand the situation. It doesn't take even half a second for V to figure out what is happening around them.

With wide eyes, he gazed at Jimin. Both of his eyebrows were raised, terror swimming inside his iris. Jimin mirrors V's expression as well.

"Don't tell me-" V started but "Yes. We are surrounded." Jimin finished.


With a delicate humming, Jungkook comes out from the bathroom to their bedroom. His hands are busy drying his wet hair with a towel. His flip-flops make squeaky noise whenever it gets contact with the floor.

Jungkook immediately grabbed the clothes, he had prepared for the night, then goes near the mirror and stood in front of it. His torso was naked, and his hip to knees was covered by a long fluffy towel.

He prepared a white see-through shirt and black shorts for the night. He immediately dried his body and put on the clothes. He admired his body in the mirror. A dissatisfied frown crawled on his forehead.

"The hell!" Jungkook hooked his fingers on the waistband of his shorts. It was loosely hanging on his hip. "Why it's suddenly big?" His wide eyes locked with his own gaze on the mirror.

"Aish... It's not hugging my ass. It's so loose around it. It entirely obscured my bum's curves." He let out an exaggerated sigh. Jungkook groans and marched towards the closet.

He opens it wide and rummages through the pile of clothes. Searching for booty shorts, he might have hidden somewhere in the closet.

Jungkook let out a little gasp when his palms came into contact with the most unexpected thing. His eyes widen and pretty pink lips parted.

It's a garment bag. What it is doing here?

Jungkook brings the bag out of the closet and stared at it. A shy smile crawled on his lips. He takes a peek at the clock, it's past seven. Taehyung would usually arrive past nine. So, he have plenty of time on his hands. He squealed giddily and sprinted towards the mirror to try on the garment inside that bag.


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