chapter 3

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Dark basement sand on the floor in somewhat satanic symbols demon children dancing around you scary right? But there's a hot girl so why should Diana be scared.

"You sure this is safe?" Diana looked at the girl placing sand "There's a 50 percent chance you'll lose your mind" Amphitrite stated "Have you done this before?" Diana asked while being tied to her chair by the kids Amphitrite stayed silent "Y-yes- yes I have" Amphitrite said walked towards Diana and held her balled up fists "Just don't let the power get to your head" Amphitrite kissed Diana's forehead "Alright!" Diana said "I should gag her!" She heard on of the kids whisper "We should have buried her!" Another one whispered "This kids!" Diana thought I her head "Alright kids come over to the safe zone!" Amphitrite yelled "Yes Ma'am!" The children saluted and ran towards there guardian, the sand turned into magic lines then soon the light engulfed Diana completely.


"So sore-" Diana groaned opening her eyes "Oh your awake" Amphitrite sat on the bed side "Glad your awake" Amphitrite stroked Diana's blonde hair "Lady Amphitrite?" One of the kids popped up on the end of the bed "What in the!" Diana kicked the kid but it wasn't any normal kick it was a air pressured kick the kick sent the kid to splat on the wall "Ash!" Amphitrite quickly went to the unconscious kids "We come in peace" the rest of the kids walked down the hall with white flags, they took the unconscious kids and dragged him away "How- how did I do that?" Diana asked. She was sure Amphitrite didn't do anything since she felt a tingling power. "That is your chakra" Amphitrite smirked "What is chakra?" Diana asked again "Chakra is the power flowing in you, and your chakra is a powerful one" Amphitrite said "But how did I get it?" Diana looked at her "Your family are descendants of powerful half-bloods. Best if you take a shower school is just an hour away" Amphitrite ended it there and left "An hour left?" Diana looked at the alarm clock "5:00 AM" Diana mumbled "Best to keep this a secret" Diana got up.


5:30 AM breakfast time. "So your telling me you haven't tried pancakes or ice cream before?!" Diana said the kids nodded savoring the bland oatmeal "Oh dear lord! Amphitrite you have made a sin to these children!" Diana exclaimed she added fruits too her oatmeal because it was so bland "What is Pancakes and ice cream anyways?" Amphitrite she took a big scoop of her oatmeal Diana gasped as if she offended her whole family "Oh dear lord! I'll be treating all of to pancakes and ice cream later this afternoon!" Diana exclaimed "Fine. Kids go change for school" Amphitrite sighed the kitchen kids put there bowls info the sink and marched like penguins to get there stuff.


Normally Diana would always be alone in her limo to go to school it was protocol but this was her first time riding a car without being Diana Aether just Diana. She loved the noise she loved the talking she loved it all. Even though they only met last night it already feels like a family.

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