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after another trip to the eiffel tower and meguru almost peeing his pants because he couldn't find a toilet, you are now back on safe ground and strolling through the colorfully lit funfair.

"i need something sweet now, do you want some cotton candy?" asks yoichi, to which meguru and you shake your heads at the same time and your gaze falls on a small slot machine.

grinning, you walk over to it and look at all the stuffed animals and other stuff on it before putting in a euro.

"you'll never make it," you suddenly hear meguru's voice behind you.

guess someone still doesn't know that you're the champion at this.

with a deft movement, you move the grappling arm down. "these things are designed to make you lose" he comments.

but when you suddenly transport the little teddy bear into the right box and it comes out the bottom, almost everything falls out of his face.

"how did you.. that's impossible!"

you laugh softly and pull out the teddy bear before holding it out to meguru. "here, for you."

he takes the bear and smiles a little. "really?" his cheeks turn slightly pink, making you grin even more.

"sure, matches you."

your opponent is about to start to say something when yoichi comes over with a portion of cotton candy bigger than his own head. "are you pulling all the slot machines again, y/n?"

nodding you laugh out loud, whereupon he grins at you with his cotton candy-smeared mouth and you share the giant portion.

"let's ride bumper cars!" meguru suddenly exclaims, wiggling his eyebrows.

"oh my god, yes! now start having some fun, meg," you giggle. "sit down." you push him into a small green car before going to buy some chips and handing them out to him and your best friend.

you quickly sit down in an orange car as it starts to move. meguru and you have a little race where you keep lightly brushing against each other and laughing. yoichi, on the other hand, sits there a bit awkwardly, driving in slow circles.

"come on!" meguru calls out to him, whereupon he accelerates a little more and comes between the other drivers to us, getting better.

this goes on for five laps until you get out to buy something to drink.

who would have thought that it could be so exhausting?

unfortunately, you just don't get far, because all of a sudden there's a bang and you find yourself on the ground. you squint your eyes briefly before trying to sit up. "y/n!," you hear yoichi's and meguru's voice at the same time before they come running to you with quick steps. "can't you be careful?!" yoichi nags at the guy, but he just shrugs his shoulder, as he doesn't seem to understand a word.

he babbles something about "pardon, pardon." before hurrying away on quick steps to avoid being called to account.

a small grin creeps onto your lips. "i'm fine, i just shouldn't have walked across that busy lane." you screw up your face, standing up, but it's just a few harmless bruises and a headache, even if it feels like you broke your legs.

at the end you got your money back and the seller even added a bonus on top for not reporting it.

pretty good, right?

yoichi puts his arm around you, supporting you a bit, while meguru does the same on the other side. his eyes keep falling on a group of girls your age standing in front of a candy booth. smiling, he bites his lip. "you guys go ahead, i'll be right there," he says and disappears shortly after.

is he serious right now?

sighing, yoichi drags you to your room, where you sit down on the bed and thank him.

"i'll get you some water." he says, nodding in confirmation before leaving the room and meguru entering in the same breath. he has a small pink gingerbread heart hanging around his neck, which makes you raise an eyebrow.

"wow, that was fast."

confused, he looks at you. "what?"

"well, the heart." you point your finger at it before kicking off your shoes.

"so which of the six is the lucky one?"

meguru pulls his heart over his head and shakes his head slightly. "i didn't go there for them, did i? i didn't even talk to them," he kneels down in front of you before hanging his heart around your neck. "this is for you. i thought that would cheer you up a bit."

"really?" an unintentional smile creeps onto your lips and for a few seconds you feel miserable for thinking that way about him.

of course he wouldn't run off to some girls in a situation like that.

yoichi enters the room again and hands you the water, of which you greedily take a few sips. "thanks."

"i'll leave you to it then, get some rest, y/n." he says before walking out the door and disappearing.

"your tshirt is all dirty," sighs meguru as he looks at the white fabric. "give me that, i'll hand wash it real quick before it can't get it out."

you pull your tshirt over your head and hand it to him, whereupon he disappears into the bathroom with it and you peel out of your pants. tentatively, you lie down on your back and grit your teeth for a moment until the pain subsides and meguru comes back out of the bathroom.

"thanks for washing my tshirt," you say quietly, watching him take off his own pants and get into bed.

"thanks, for the teddy." he smiles back and flips off the light, leaving only the moonlight to illuminate the room.

turning on his side he looks at you. you, on the other hand, stay on your back and just turn your head to face him. "thank you, for the gingerbread heart," you continue. a small smile creeps onto your lips and meguru also tries convulsively to suppress a smile, which is why he wrinkles his nose, while you can't take my your off him.

it's only when he leans over to you that you catch yourself again, only to lose yourself in his eyes a moment later. "i'm glad nothing worse happened to you." he whispers softly.

you swallow hard as he gets closer and closer to you and suddenly your eyes close on their own and your lips find themselves on meguru's.

gently, he strokes your cheek with his thumb as you exchange loving, yet intense kisses — not a wild smooch, just an intimate, soulful moment.

while you bury your hand in his hair he moves a little closer to you. and despite the fact that your lips must have been glued together for five minutes, it feels far too short as you slowly pull away from him, licking your own lips.

"good night, y/n." he whispers with a smile and drops back onto his half of the bed.

"uh, night, meguru." you whisper back, quietly trying to get your breathing under control as you stare at the ceiling.

what was that?

milk and honey, bachira meguru ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang