3.Who's that?

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Ruru's povI woke up and looked at my map and looked at the subway on the map that I wanted to try going into I stand up and put on my glasses and the place and I took the sewer top off

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Ruru's pov
I woke up and looked at my map and looked at the subway on the map that I wanted to try going into I stand up and put on my glasses and the place and I took the sewer top off


I was outside walking to the subway until something fell in front of me it was a raccoon when I looked at it again my eyes widened and I picked up bud and I whispered yelled

Ruru: Bud!?

He looks up and playfully slaps me and squeaks at me.

Ruru: Calm down buddy! I don't know how I got here too but I took a good look at this place since day one, I was going to head to the subway first get in my backpack.

I put my arm out and he crawled on it and jumped in the bag with his head sticking out.

Bud has joined the party

I was heading to the subway until I heard a little girl voice and turned to the other side.

???: Where are we? Daddy is going to be worried about us.

???: Don't worry Lexi we can just look around for help and we'll be okay.

I looked at them and whispered.

Ruru: I think there lost maybe I can help them right bud?

I turned to him and he nodded I walked up to them and said.

Ruru: Hey are you girls lost?

I said quietly and they nodded until one looked at bud.

???: Hey is that a raccoon?

Ruru: Yeah

???: Can I pet it please!?

Ruru: Sure.

She pet bud he seems annoyed.

???: does the raccoon not like me?

Ruru: He's just grouchy, okay back to the subject are you both lost?

They nodded.

Ruru: I was about to go down the subway anyways so we should try that and my name is Ruru by the way how about yours?

???: Oh!,oh! Mines Lexi.

???: Marley, nice to meet ya lady.

I shake both of their hands.

Ruru: You guys said you want to head to the subway?

They nodded and we walked down the subway

Marley and Lexi joined the party

Down the subway

We went down the subway just to see a couple of people waiting until the train showed up and we walked in and sat down I looked up to see a handsome man with long curly hair he turned around and looked at me I blushed and turned the other way and I heard Lexi whisper.

Lexi: Daddy?

I turned to her.

Ruru: That's your dad? He's so-

I heard someone snapping their fingers and the girls looked up and looked at the same person I was looking at and he pointed at me Marley whispered.

Marley: She's was helping us finding you and getting us home.

He nodded and looked at me and smiled. The subway stopped and we headed outside until someone called us.

???: Oh thank god I was so worried about you too!

He walked to us and hugged the girls he then let them go and looked at me wait he's blasian?!

???: Thank you for helping them I appreciate it what's your name darling?

I whispered.

Ruru: Ruru.

???: it's nice to meet you Ruru I'm Quinlan.

Ruru: it's nice to meet you too.

???: Did the girls tell you their names?

I nodded.

Lexi: Daddy, Daddy, look she has a pet!

???: Huh?

Bud poked his head out of the bag and Quinlan was surprised.

Quinlan: A Raccoon.

Ruru: Yeah his name is bud he can be grouchy sometimes.

I looked at his hand to see him holding a briefcase wait is he a detective?! No way I'll ask him.

Ruru: Hey, are you a detective?

Quinlan:Good eye , yes I am-

He then whispered

Quinlan: Oh shit, I have to work late tomorrow, hey Ruru I have a favor to ask.

Ruru: go for it.

Quinlan: I have to work late tomorrow night and I was thinking you can watch the kids tomorrow night I'll pay you.

Ruru: Sure.

Quinlan got a little piece of paper and ripped it off and wrote his address and his phone number he gives it to me and I got my blue flip phone out to type his number on my phone.

Quinlan: Okay we'll be heading off now see you tomorrow Ruru.

Ruru: See ya tomorrow.

I waved and smiled and I said to myself

"My first task starts tomorrow night"

"My first task starts tomorrow night"

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