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WHEN SHE woke up in the dead of night, covered in sweat and chills that took over her body despite the amount of blankets that covered her, she wondered if this meant that it was her time. It wasn't an over exaggeration to say that the ache in her bones felt like she just broke every part of her body. When she pinched herself and felt pain, she wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed at the answer. When the itchiness of her throat didn't go away, she pushed herself up and sat against the backboard of the bed. In front of her, on the walls and screens and clocks that hung, she could see their familiar faces. At this point, she felt accustomed to seeing the faces of those she killed in everything she looked at. She was going mad.

Despite hiding it so well, she couldn't help but sometimes be startled at the ghosts that lived in her mind, her hands sometimes shaking at the visions of their mutilated corpses or their bloody eyes. Today, she just stared. Her body and mind have reached their limit as fatigue drenched her from head to toe. It remained like this until sunrise and no one disturbed her until both tributes had already left for the training room.

Something must have shocked them at the sight of her, because Levi and Shuli paled and ran off to grab a doctor. As soon as they returned with one, she was too dizzy to feel disturbed at the touch of the stranger. His gloved hands shined a light into her eyes, blinding her as he looked for any abnormalities. She wasn't sure if he could feel through his glove how boiling hot her skin felt, but when he touched her chin to tilt her head up, he flinched back as if she was dirty. She could see the three conversing with serious looks on their faces but she couldn't comprehend the words that came out of their mouths. However, she could make out a few words that their lips formed through the conversation and it must've been important for them to repeat it so often.

Pneumonia, Flu.

She frowned, trying to reach up to catch their attention, which worked, but rather than the wave being what they focused on, it was the shakiness of her hand. Shuli held her hand quickly, pushing it down as she shot the girl a sympathetic look.

The doctor seemed to have said something that made her look away before responding with a nod. The strange man turned towards the bedridden girl and pulled out a bottle that was a sickly brown before opening her mouth slightly and pouring it down. Too weak to struggle and stop herself from swallowing it, the medicine slid down her throat and made her want to gag at the disgusting bitter taste. Despite its atrocious appearance and equally as atrocious palette, her throat felt cooler and her head was lighter.

The pressure in her ears eased and the burn in her eyes lessened. Blinking a few times before squinting, she eyed the doctor as he left before croaking out a makeshift sentence, "Sick? With?" The scratchiness of her throat made it difficult to talk but luckily, two in front of her understood. "Pneumonia and the flu, he said it's probably from stress and sleep deprivation and said that you should stay in bed and rest for the day. He also told us to make sure you take your medicine and eat in time." Levi repeated the diagnosis. The bottles of the same dirt coloured liquid rocking back band forth in his hands as he juggled them.

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