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      Crying. You did this almost every night. You were currently in your bed sobbing your eyes out, inches away from the knife.
"What the FUCK is so wrong with me that I have to do this every night" you sobbed out. None of the neighbors knew this was going on, saying you always look happy or you were always hanging out with someone, except for one person. Wally Darling, your boyfriend. He knew if the slightest thing was off about you from your mood to your body language. He knew. But is moments like this all you can think of is how much you think he hates you. Sometimes you feel like he's going to cheat on you with Jullie they just seem so close. You know it's irrational but you can't help it. As these thoughts rush to your head more tears gather in your eyes as they gush out. Your hands are shakey as you slowly reach for the knife. Rolling up your sleeves. Several scars already packed onto your wrist just so you can open them up again. You take the sharp peice of meddle and slowly slide it across your wrist staring at it blankly as the warm blood runs down your arm and wrist onto the bed soaking into your sheets. Damn it. Suddenly you hear a knock at your door. You panic and shove everything under your pillow, rolling down you sleeve, drying your tears. You head to your door trying to cover up your tear stained face. You opened the door. And of course... it was wally. He was standing at your door with flowers but as soon as he saw your face his smile dropped. "Y/n what's wrong are you ok?!" He took your hand In his and led you both back inside to sit on your bed.
"I'm fine Wally just.... Allergies" you said making an excuse.
"Darling.... were inside"
"I just...i-" you broke down in tears you couldn't lie to him anymore, he was your boyfriend after all.
"Hun are you ok what's wrong?! Wait...." He looks down at the sheets on your bed "why is there blood on your sheets?"
This only caused you to sob more. "I just can take this anymore, I always feel so stressed or that I'm useless and I can never do anything around here. All of you guys have such cool talents or hobbys and I.. I dont" you berst out all you feelings to him. He holds you close and slowly rocks you.
"You are not useless and you don't need a cool hobby or talent, all you need is to keep being who you are. I love you so so much Darling."
You hug him and you sleeve slides up a little, he sees. Wally stares at your wrist in shock.
"OH Darling I am so sorry I never noticed this before I should of said something before it got to this. I am so so sorry."
You look at him and smile with tears running down your face "it's not your fault.. it's no one's. I.. I love you too."
Suddenly you let out a big yawn and your eyelids got heavy.
Wally noticed and said "you should get some rest but I am not leaving your side. Ok?"
"OK that's fine" you say jokingly.
Wally hugs you tighter as you both lay down together. Cuddling in each other's arms, he starts singing. Butifull dreamer. The last words you hered before drifting to sleep were "you certainly are the most y/n".

Words: 664

Hey guys this was a bit of a depressing chapter to say the least but it's honestly.
If you are ever feeling suicidel here are some numbers.

Suicide hotline: 988

Need yo talk also for LGBTQ support: 800-488-7386

Just need to talk: 800-933-5397

Please drink lots of water and eat healthy my loves. Goodbye!

Wally Darling X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now