Burying Memories

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What did I do?
No seriously, tell me

If you only keep it to yourself,
I'll keep living in uncertainty

You left me for others, the liars, the fakes
We said we'd never leave eachother

That trust I never thought you would break

I lended my heart to you and you returned it shattered
Now all that we had is left without matter

Torn apart without love nor light
My other half, you left me to fight

Fight by myself without defense or a shield
You always protected me, my sword I would yeild

You would comfort me always like nobody else could
Because they could never think of the greater good.

If if meant keeping their good name, they wouldn't dare spare me a word

But you,
you were were different
You let me be heard

When I was lonely you listened and when I was alone you were there.

What happened to all those times we so fondly shared?

All our good times and memories buried into the ground.
For you to never remember and have them never be found.

For me though, I'll always remember how satisfied I felt
With you by my side every day
How you made my heart melt

Melt into nothing, a pile of large mass
And once again, my heart is now more delicate than glass.

The Things I Never Got To Say- Thoughts and PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now