5 - go anywhere but here

149 8 43

TW: coercion / lack of consent, underage drinking and smoking

Zephyr and Ricky sit in the car, parked outside Kourtney's house, which to their surprise was only ten minutes down the road. Red's tiny orange car is parked in the front, next to someone's black one.

They turn their attention to the main door as it opens, A group of people coming out and getting into Saylor's car, then Red's car, Red waves to Ricky before getting into his car. Lastly Ej and Gina run out, Ej hopping into the car first so he can sit behind Ricky, one hand on Ricky's shoulder. "Gi you look so good literally shut the fuck up" Zeph says turning her head around.

"You shut up, have you seen yourself"

"Yes yes we get it you're both very beautiful" Ricky deadpans "can we get going now?"

"No Rick wait, Kourt's locking up and coming" Ej responds, half his mind occupied with Gina discreetly pressing her leg against his.

Kourtney runs out of the house, locking the door behind her, as Gina scoots to the middle seat, even closer to EJ. Kourtney smiles awkwardly, since zephyr and Ricky aren't particularly close to her, actually as she thinks about it, she doesn't remember the last time she actually even spoke to them.
"Hey" Zeph smiles, looking at the her through the mirror, she reciprocates.

Ej reaches his hand to the front in an attempt to grab the aux cable, Ricky immediately slaps his hand away, swiftly passing the cable to Zephyr. Ej groans, leaning back, and Ricky starts to drive.

The drive isn't that long, thirty minutes or so. Ricky parks a few minutes away from the house in some empty lot, knowing there'll be way too many cars outside the house. Gina and Kourtney start walking to the party while he's parking, Ej saying he'll catch up with them in a bit.

"What on earth are you doing?" He grumbles. Zeph is stuck in her hoodie, Ej leans forward from the back seat and pulls it off her head. "Rick you could have literally just helped her"

"You're gonna freeze your ass off and then I'm gonna hear about it all through tonight, just keep the hoodie on"

"No, let's go" she says, already half way out the door. They turn the corner of the block, there's faint music blasting at the end of the road, they walk in silence for a bit. As they get closer to the house, they can see a figure sitting on the sidewalk waiting, head hung low, hair dimly lit up by their phone screen. It's a little past eleven now.

"Zeph!" He calls out, standing up. She speed walks, her attempt to run in heels failing. He wraps his arms around her, hugging her closely, he laughs, nose pressed to the cold skin of her neck.

Ricky and Ej stand at a slight distance. "He's so whipped for her" Ej whispers into Ricky's ear.
"Poor guy" Ricky snarks, earning a slap on the back of his head.

They walk into the house, leaving the two boys alone on the side walk. "I'm not drinking tonight, so I'll drive the car back" Ej says as the make their way to the porch. Ricky just nods, slightly distracted. Who the fuck calls someone pretty when they barely know them? Idiot.

Ricky pushes on the large white double door, slipping into the poorly lit house, completely crowded and reeking of alcohol. That smell makes him instantly anxious, he brushes it off but his mind is reminded of what's going to happen tomorrow.

The music is so loud he can't hear himself think, the flashing lights slightly blinding. Maybe I should have avoided this tonight. Well, now that it's too late, he just tags along behind Ej.

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