15 - the very first page

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Counter all your quick remarks, Like passing notes in secrecy

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Ricky opens his front door, quietly slipping into the house. He has to leave for school soon, it's almost seven. The sweat  prickles the skin under his hair, it's quite uncomfortable. There's faint argument coming from the living room as he stands in his foyer, pulling off his running shoes; they're not yelling, maybe they aren't even arguing, just talking coldly. 

"Richard? Rick?" his mother calls out, he sighs at his failed attempt to quickly run upstairs. 

"there you are" she says as he walks in. The  room is quiet, other than bertha occasionally slipping in and out. Mike is sitting at the table, drinking coffee Bertha poured from the french press lying half empty and now cold next to the cup, he's engrossed in his planner, scribbling hastily. Lynne is all dressed for the day as well, a satin shirt and a skirt and blazer, a pearl necklace delicately hanging from her neck. "I'm gonna come to school with you, have a meeting with the board, plus i should see the new coach, it's such a shame David was leaving, he was such an angel"

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