Chapter 5

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Once I had watched the guards take Link to safety, I headed back to my room. I met my father on the way.

"Zelda? What are you doing out of bed? And, wha-" His eyes trailed to my nightgown. "My god, what happened to your clothes? A princess has never looked less put together!"

"Father, I'm fine! Promise." I began to stutter as I worked hard to find an excuse for my appearance. "I just-"

"Who did this to you? I shall have them fired immediately!"

"No! Nobody did this. My dress got caught on a nettle, that's all."

"Why were you out in the first place?"

"I-" I began to feel my heartbeat quicken. "I was just taking a night-time stroll round the palace gardens, father. 

My father's hands rolled up into fists. "Get to bed. Now. I do not want to see you out of your room again. No more of this silly business."

I nodded and continued down the darkened hallway.

My room was quiet and solitary. I couldn't help but wonder if Link was okay. I stayed up all night questioning whether I should go down and see him, if not to check how he was, then to give me something to do. I already cared for him, even if it was just a little. seeing him so vulnerable infront of me made me feel a certain emptiness.

I already decided that I would have the boy from earlier fired tomorrow morning. Physical violence was against the rules; and, as my father had mentioned, rules are rules. 

But, soon enough, my thoughts cleared and I was drowned in shallow sleep. 

The sun was bright this morning; a brilliant light shone through the windows of my room, almost blinding me when I awoke.

Arabelle walked through the door and brought me breakfast as usual before I began prepping myself for the ceremony today.

"I'm nervous to have an appointed knight," I admitted. "I'm not very good at making friends."

"Princess, people were telling me things about last night. Saying some accident happened, something to do with you. I was wondering if you-"

"No, Arabelle, I'm fine. If anybody asks, nothing happened." I ordered as I patted down the final layer of my dress. 

"Right. Whatever you say, Princess."

"Wait," I turned around to look at her. "Does my father know?"

Arabelle shook her head. "No. It was just a few other maids."

"Okay. Good. He musn't know."

Arabelle shifted on her feet. "If I may, princess, why musn't he know?"

"Because, Arabelle, it would get Link and me in trouble."

"Link?" Arabelle paused. I hadn't noticed that I had said his name. "What, your appointed knight?"

"Um, yes, it would seem so. But it doesn't matter now. I have a ceremony to get to."

"Right. I understand, your highness."

My father nodded when he saw me approach the little stone circle that the ceremony was to be performed in. All the champions were there waiting, Link standing regimented by their side. I looked at his right arm, taking note of the bandages wrapped around it.

The ritual went smoothly, I didn't let up. The words practically fell out of my mouth, I had rehearsed them so much. It was quiet and still; it seemed the world was only just waking up.

Once I had done my part, my father stood in front of the two of us as Link bowed down towards him. 

"Link, congratulations on winning this honour. We welcome you to the royal team, however, do not think that this means you may take advantage of this privelidge. Whatever happens to my daughter is now your responsability. It is up to you to keep her safe. Make sure she prays, make sure she trains, and if she leaves the castle to do anything, you must escort her at all times, do I make myself clear?" 

"Yes, your majesty." I heard Link utter.

"I am sure you are aware of your new living space on the castle grounds. It is located in the East tower. Once again, I remind you not to take advantage of this."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Your relationship with my daughter must remain strictly professional. Under no circumstances will this rule ever be overturned. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes..." Link murmured. "Your majesty."

"Good. I look forward to seeing how you hold up in this position."  

And with that, my father left.

Forbidden flame: A Zelink storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora