Chapter 11

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"Who is it?" I called out after hearing a knocking on my door. I felt a grin begin to wash over my face as I ran to the door and opened it, it quickly disappearing and being replaced with visible fear as I was met with my father.

"Father?" I stuttered, my words trembling a little with shock. "What are you doing here?"

"Zelda. I apologise for barging in on you like this. I just wanted to ask you about something." 

Oh shit. 
He didn't know, did he?

"What is it?"

"Well, you see, the spring festival is soon."

"I'm aware."

"Yes, well, it only came to my attention this morning when somebody reminded me that every fifty years, the castle holds a royal ball." My father tried to be careful going about this, knowing balls were never my favourite thing in the world. "Well, This year will be the fiftieth anniversary of the last one. Is it something that you may be...interested in?"

"Do I have a choice?" 

"Well..." He began shifting on his feet. "It would be very, very helpful if you said yes, Zelda."

I took in a deep breath before slowly nodding my head; "Yes, alright, father. I suppose it's my duty."

"Splendid. The ball will take place two weeks from today."

I nodded in response as my father closed the door.

I heard conversation in the hallway a couple seconds later. Short and swift, it sounded formal. And then another knock on my door pulled my attention.

"Link!" I beamed as I opened it. He tried to conceal his smile when he saw me, his back completely straight.

"Your majesty. I believe it's time for your morning prayers."

"that it is." I joined in with the masking, hoping my father could hear the formality of the conversation and believe it.

After morning prayers, me and Link decided to walk around the castle gardens, since the weather was surprisingly hot today.

The flowers were in bloom, the grass was green, the sun felt warm and delicate on my cheeks. And with nobody to watch us, me and Link didn't have to hide anymore.

"Good masking earlier. I don't think my father will suspect a thing anytime soon." I said as I sat in the grass against a stone structure, letting the sun paint my face.

"I hope he doesn't. We'd be in deep shit, princess." Link added as he lay on the ground in front of me, his head resting against my stomach, his shoulders in my lap. He handed me up a flower without looking at me.

"You kissass." I giggled, kissing his forehead.

It was a blissful moment, somewhere tucked away in the castle. Somewhere we could cower, hide; somewhere quiet.

That night, Link walked me to my room, taking big, dramatic leaps to hide his footsteps as he crossed my father's room.

Just as the night before, he kissed me with as much grace and passion before sending me to bed.

"This is so strange. How come my life has changed so much in a matter of days?" I pondered aloud whilst looking into his eyes.

Link had no answer for me, but instead kissed me again, grazing his hand up my leg. I took note of the tingles that followed his fingers. I halted the kiss just then.

"By the way, apparently there's going to be a ball in two weeks. I suspect you'll have to come?" I asked Link. "Maybe even wear something fancy?"

Link's eyebrows furrowed. "Are you saying I have shitty taste?"

I giggled into his shoulder. "No. But I do think that you should know that I will be wearing something fancy. And well, master Link, I wouldn't want to steal your thunder."

"Sure," Link nodded. "I can do that for you, princess."

I beamed. "Good. Maybe it'll make the ball seem like less of a snooze-fest."

Link kissed me once more before saying goodnight, as I went into my room once more.

Part of me wished he had come in with me.

And the next night, it was the same. He kissed me goodnight and left it there.

And the next night, too

And the next.

And the next, though the sense of want never left me. I lost sleep over it.

But every day that passed, the more we began to become less shy with each other. Even if link happened to stay regimented and to his principles, he still sometimes acted like a child around me. 

The more we talked, the more we travelled together, the more he assisted me in my tasks, the more he protected me from whatever dangers lay ahead with that mighty sword of his; the more we felt we were right for one another. 

After a couple days, he barely talked to me in the daylight hours. His face would remain emotionless. He would drag me along to my tasks, protect me, escort me, and act like the true appointed knight he was getting paid to be.

And every night at dinner, when he stood a little behind me, his mask would grow thicker and thicker. He was incredible at his job. He never let anybody know even a hint of our budding relationship.

But every night before he bid me farewell, he would remind me that he was still there. He would let me know that he hadn't gone anywhere. I think he just worried that his first few days of knowing me had been unprofessional, and he now wanted to make up for that.

And for 11 days and 11 nights, the bittersweet routine replayed itself. But on the twelfth night, something different happened.

"Not too long until the ball now. Are you ready?" I asked him, the moonlight reflecting off his golden hair.

"I think so. Apparently I just have to wear my regular armour, though."

"Aww, that sucks. I wanted to see you in something nicer." I breathed in and shrugged. "Oh well. It shouldn't last long."

"No, princess. It'll be okay." 

At that moment, my stomach flipped. I felt hollow inside. I leaned in to kiss Link as I leaned my back on my door, then opening it. I walked inside, leaving Link bewildered by the entrance.

"Princess?" He whispered. "You didn't say goodnight?"

I shrugged, quickly turning my head to the side and then back again, signalling that he could come in if he wanted to.

He looked around him in discomfort. "No." He shook his head. "No, that's too far, Princess. It's far too risky."

"Link, you're the first guy I know that'd ever refuse this from a Princess."

"I'm just doing my job. If I got caught, Zelda, I don't know what they'd do to me. What they'd do to you."

"But you want this?"

Link sighed, looking around my room, his eyes circling back to me. "I don't know what you want me to say."

"The truth."

"Then of course I do, but-"

"That's all I need." I took his hand as his eyes rested on mine and I saw his spark return. I quietly shut the door, Link leaning on it, as I kissed him and locked it.

"You are one hell of a Princess, Princess."

Forbidden flame: A Zelink storyWhere stories live. Discover now