Chapter 2 - First Meeting

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P.O.V Levi

I was in my office playing with Danger my Reticulated python he was raped around my neck, all of sudden my office door flings open & there stands my friend Liam with a happy grin on his face "why are you so happy about?" he was smiling his ass off "I'm going on a date with Autumn tonight" he replied, I know that he is dating my little sister & I think it's cute that my friend and sister are dating. "that's nice, where are you taking her to?" I asked while Danger was slithering down from my neck "Primal Steakhouse" he answered back "that is so nice of you and remember if you need any more money just call me ok?" I said with a nice voice "yep! Oh I should go get ready!" he yelled than ran out of my off so happily, I let out a small smile it is cute how Liam really likes my little sister because he always treats her correctly. I need to get home to watch James and Nova "come on Danger lets go home now" I said to my snake as he slithered his way up my body to my neck, as we walked out of the building towards my car to go home. As I drive into the drive through I grabbed Danger & entered the house I noticed that my younger brother and sister are asleep on the couch & someone is in our fridge and I thought it was an intruder but as I got closer & closer I was ready to kill them until the fridge closed to revile a beautiful young women. She had long brown hair, nice green eyes with a very slim soft tan, we just stared at each other for a good long minute, she was the first to blink and I broke eye contact from her 'she's really beautiful' I soon notice that she was leaving "Hey!" I yelled to her and she stopped in her tracks than slowly turned to me with fear in her eyes, she seems scared but from what. "Who are you?" she asked in a soft voice I really found it cute "My name is Levi Jackson and you are?" I asked "Kasara Alcatraz" she answered as she was backing up to go some where "what are you doing in my house anyways?" I suddenly asked "I can't say because she told me not to, I should be going now" she said while walking away 'I think Autumn has something to do with it' I thought while watching Kasara leave the kitchen.

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